Page 20 - Melanesia
P. 20

R atu Seru Epenisa Cakobau was a Fijian          Dominion of Fiji to Republic of Fiji and then  and Lautoka, Fiji’s second city with large sug-
      chief and warlord from the island of Bau,  in 1997 to Republic of the Fiji Islands. The   ar cane mills and a seaport. Fiji’s attraction is

off the eastern coast of Viti Levu, who united two coups and the accompanying civil unrest primarily its white sandy beaches and post-

part of Fiji’s warring tribes under his leader- contributed to heavy Indo-Fijian emigration; card perfect islands with all-year-round tropi-

ship. He then styled himself as Tui Viti or King the and a resulting population loss.           cal weather. In general Fiji is a mid-range

of Fiji, and then Vunivalu, or Protector, after                                                 priced holiday/vacation destination with
the cession of Fiji to the United Kingdom.                                                      most of the accommodations in this range. It
                                                 or a country of its size, Fiji has fairly      also has a variety of world class 5-star resorts
FThe British subjugated the islands as a colony  large armed forces, and has been a major

in 1874, and the British brought over Indian contributor to UN peacekeeping missions in and hotels. More budget resorts are being

contract laborers to work on the sugar plan- various parts of the world. The population of opened in remote areas, which will provide

tations. In 1875–76, an epidemic of measles Fiji is mostly made up of native Fijians, who more tourism opportunities.

killed over 40,000 Fijians, about one-third of   are Melanesians (54.3%), although many also    F iji has several popular tourism destina-
the Fijian population. The population in 1942    have Polynesian ancestry, and Indo-Fijians          tions. The Botanical Gardens of Thursten
was approximately 210,000 of whom 94,000         (38.1%), descendants of Indian contract

were Indians, 102,000 native Fijians.            laborers brought to the islands by the British in Suva, Sigatoka Sand Dunes, and Colo-I-

T he British granted Fiji independence in        colonial powers in the 19th century.           Suva Forest Park are three options on the
     1970. Democratic rule was interrupted                                                      mainland (Viti Levu). A big attraction on the
by two military coups in 1987 precipitated by    T he islands are mountainous, with peaks       outer islands is scuba diving. Rugby Union
                                                      up to 1,324 metres (4,341 ft), and cov-   is the most-popular team sport played in

a growing perception that the government ered with thick tropical forests. The highest Fiji. The national rugby union team is very

was dominated by the Indo-Fijian (Indian)        point is Mount Tomanivi on Viti Levu. Viti     successful given the size of the population of

community. The second 1987 coup saw both Levu hosts the capital city of Suva, and is            the country, and has competed at five Rugby

the Fijian monarchy and the Governor Gen- home to nearly three-quarters of the popula- World Cup competitions, the first being in

eral replaced by a non-executive president tion. Other important towns include Nadi             1987, where they reached the quarter-finals.

and the name of the country changed from (the location of the international airport),
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