Page 254 - Melanesia
P. 254
rey Reef Shark. Adult size: maximum because of its large dorsal fins of the same and sea snakes to dolphins and even other
size, its visible set of smooth, sharp teeth smaller sharks. The tiger shark has been
G 20 feet. It is distinguished by its and its little yellow eye in the form of a known to eat inedible manmade objects
lemon, hence its name. It is the lord of the that linger in its stomach, and it has a repu-
perfectly grey skin, white belly and its black reef, given its size and weight. Reacts ac- tation as a “garbage eater”. The tiger shark
edged caudal fin. This shark has a lively and tively to stimuli during a dive and is consid- is considered a near threatened species due
bold behavioral pattern notably observed ered to be one of the most imposing figures to finning and fishing by humans. The tiger
in the presence of stimuli. The Grey shark one can come across at the dive sites. It is shark ranks in size only behind the whale
is described to have the vivacity of the often found resting on the bottom, close to shark, the basking shark, the great white
Black tip and the strength of the Lemon the coast from the surface down to a depth shark, and the great hammerhead. Due to
shark. For this reason it is both feared and of 90 meters. It is an active hunter of fish, high risk of predatory attacks, dolphins of-
respected. Schools of a few hundred speci- shellfish, sea birds and small rays ten avoid regions inhabited by tiger sharks.
mens are seen during the day in the Tua- The tiger shark is responsible for a large
motu Archipelago. However, they split up T iger Shark - The tiger shark is a relative- percentage of fatal attacks and is regarded
at night, the period in which they are most ly large macropredator, capable of at- as one of the most dangerous shark species.
active. Somewhat curious, this shark will taining a length over 5 m (16 ft). It is found They often visit shallow reefs, harbors, and
not hesitate to curiously approach divers a in many tropical and temperate waters, canals, creating the potential for encounter
few feet away only to scurry away shortly and it is especially common around central with humans. The tiger shark also dwells in
thereafter. They usually are found in the Pacific islands. Its name derives from the river mouths and other runoff-rich wa-
northern coast of Moorea at Tiki point, with dark stripes down its body which resemble ter. While the tiger shark is considered to
the peculiarity of only female sittings. They a tiger’s pattern, which fade as the shark be one of the sharks most dangerous to
are also found mostly in the vicinity of the matures. The tiger shark is a solitary, mostly humans, its attack rate is low. The tiger is
reef walls and outside in the passes, from nocturnal hunter, and is notable for having second on the list of number of recorded
the surface to 100 meters in depth. the widest food spectrum of all sharks, attacks on humans, with the great white
consuming a variety of prey ranging from shark being first.
L emon Shark - Size: Maximum 11.5 feet. crustaceans, fish, seals, birds, squid, turtles,
The Lemon shark has a massive body of
a yellowish brown color, easy to recognize