Page 255 - Melanesia
P. 255
hite Tip Lagoon Shark - Adult size: hale Shark - The whale shark is a million years ago. The whale shark is found
in tropical and warm oceans and lives in
W 5.57 to 6.6 feet. This shark can be W slow-moving filter feeding shark and the open sea, with a lifespan of about 70
years. Whale sharks have very large mouths,
distinguished by its white trimmed dorsal the largest known fish. The largest con- and as filter feeders, they feed mainly on
and caudal fins. It is a shark that can be firmed individual had a length of 12.65 me- plankton. Whale shark time their arrival to
observed in schools, during the day usually ters and a weight of more than 21.5 metric coincide with the mass spawning of fish
resting on the bottom, in caves or on rocky tons. Unconfirmed reports of considerably shoals and feeding on the resultant clouds
overhangs. The white tip lagoon shark is larger whale sharks exist. Whale sharks can of eggs and sperm. The name “whale shark”
found in coastal habitats, territory it shares grow to the size of a bus. The whale shark comes from the fish’s size, being as large
with the black tips and lemon sharks. It holds many records for sheer size in the ani- as some species of whale and also a filter
becomes active mainly at night feeding on mal kingdom, most notably being by far the feeder like baleen whales.
fish that it ferrets out of holes and crevices. largest living non-mammalian vertebrate,
rivalling many of the largest dinosaurs in
weight. The species originated about 60
Beqa Lagoon Shark Encounter Beqa Lemon, nurse, whitetip, blacktip, grey reef , beqa bull and tiger
The Bulfry Vadavu Silbertip, grey reef
The Supermarket Mananuca Grey reef , whitetip reef and blacktip reef
Grand Central Station Mamena Maribe Reserve Grey reef, whitetip reef and scalloped hammerhead
Dream House Sanusava Scalloped hammerhead, grey reef and whitetip reef
The Zoo Rainbow Reef Manta ray, grey reef, blacktip reef and whitetip reef
Orgasm Tavenui - Vuna Reef Eagle ray, grey reef, blacktip reef and whitetip reef
Vuna Chutes Tavenui - Vuna Reef Eagle ray, grey reef, blacktip reef and whitetip reef
Shark Reef Viti Levu tbiuplsl,annudrtsieg,ewr hitetip reef, blacktip reef, grey reef, lemon, silver-