Page 258 - Melanesia
P. 258

tingray - Most stingrays have one or      them being listed as vulnerable or endan-      ing plates, while other species only have
                                               gered by IUCN. and also includes species       sucking mouthparts. Stingrays settle on the
S more barbed stingers (modified from          found in warmer temperate oceans. The          bottom while feeding, often leaving only
                                               flattened bodies of stingrays allow them to    their eyes and tail visible. Coral reefs are
dermal denticles) on the tail, which are       effectively conceal themselves in their envi-  favorite feeding grounds and are usually
used exclusively in self-defense. The stinger  ronment. Stingrays do this by agitating the    shared with sharks during high tide. Sting-
may reach a length of approximately 35 cm      sand and hiding beneath it. Because their      rays are usually very docile and curious,
(14 in), and its underside has two grooves     eyes are on top of their bodies and their      their usual reaction being to flee any distur-
with venom glands. The stinger is covered      mouths on the undersides, stingrays cannot     bance, but they will sometimes brush their
with a thin layer of skin, the integumentary   see their prey; instead, they use smell and    fins past any new object they encounter.
sheath, in which the venom is concentrat-      electroreceptors (ampullae of Lorenzini)       Nevertheless, certain larger species may be
ed. A few members of the suborder, such as     similar to those of sharks. Stingrays feed     more aggressive and should be approached
the manta rays and the porcupine ray, do       primarily on molluscs, crustaceans, and        with caution, as the stingray’s defensive re-
not have stingers. Stingrays are common in     occasionally on small fish. Some stingrays’    flex (use of its poisoned stinger) may result
coastal tropical and subtropical marine wa-    mouths contain two powerful, shell-crush-      in serious injury or death.
ters throughout the world. The conserva-
tion status is more problematic, leading to
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