Page 410 - Melanesia
P. 410

Cook Islands Dive Guide Map

The 15 islands that make up the Cook Islands were settled by migrants        The densely forested and mountainous island of Rarotonga is visited
from nearby islands in what is now French Polynesia and from Samoa           by about 70,000 tourists per year and has a good tourist infrastruc-
in the 13th century. According to the oral traditions of both the Cook       ture but it remains largely unspoiled by tourism. The northern islands
Islands and New Zealand Maori people, who share very similar lan-            barely receive any tourists at all due to their remoteness. The Cook
guages, New Zealand was originally settled by canoe voyagers from            Islands do not provide a typical beach resort holiday and would suit
Rarotonga. Hundreds of ocean-going vaka [canoes] are thought to              those travelers looking to experience a more cultural vacation. The
have landed in New Zealand from about 1000 AD - both from Raro-              languages spoken are Cook Islands Maori and English and the cur-
tonga and from other islands around the Pacific region. Rarotonga            rency used in the Cook Islands is the New Zealand dollar (NZ$1 =
is the last Pacific Island on the sailing route to New Zealand and the       US$0.53). Be prepared to pay $25 departure tax.
island would have been where the canoes replenished their supplies           The islands that make up the Cooks are volcanic in origin forming as
before making the final leg of their epic voyages.                           a result of hotspots on the Pacific plate. On top of the volcanic bases
Given the well-documented navigational and sailing skills of the early       grow coral atolls that create superb reefs to dive and snorkel on. The
ocean-going voyagers and the strength and agility of their double-           water is warm throughout the year and the small size of the islands al-
hulled craft, it is quite likely that there were also some return journeys,  low divers to travel to sites to avoid bad weather conditions or rough
according to some anthropologists. The most legendary migration              seas and still get to dive. Having said that, the climate is fairly even
from Rarotonga took place in 1350 when seven vakas are reputed to            and does not suffer from too many extremes. Rarotonga and Aitukaki
have set sail from Avana Harbour to make the arduous voyage to New           are the most likely islands that tourists would have the opportunity
Zealand. The Cook Islands was named after famous explorer Captain            of diving from, with diving training centers. All the dive companies
James Cook of the Royal Navy who landed on and surveyed a number             have equipment for hire but it is wise to bring your own snorkels,
of the islands between 1773 and 1777.                                        masks and fins. Diving is available for all levels and although it is pre-
Despite some 100,000 visitors a year to the capital island Rarotonga,        dominantly reef diving, there are walls, caves and wrecks to provide
the Cook Islands are largely unspoiled by tourism. They offer a rare         some variety. There is a huge abundance of reef fish and a variety of
opportunity for people from the cities of the world to experience a dif-     coral found around the islands and a bonus for visitors from July to
ferent type of vacation. There are no high-rise hotels, only four beach      October is the strong possibility of seeing humpback whales which of-
buggies and very little hype. Ideal for travellers seeking more than the     ten come very close to Rarotonga’s shoreline on their migration route
usual clichés associated with the South Seas, each island has its unique     north from the Antarctic.
qualities and offers the visitor a special experience.
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