Page 411 - Melanesia
P. 411
The Cook Islands are affected by some major climatic issues. They that certain other Northern Group islands should be annexed for pos-
were hit by the 1997-1998 El Nino which caused a long running sible future use as trans-Pacific cable stations. In October 1885 the
drought, intense cyclones and increased air temperatures. Currently Colonial Office accepted an offer by New Zealand, which was then
waste management and water supply are big issues affecting island- a self-governing British colony, for New Zealand to pay for a Brit-
ers and over fishing has occurred in some of the lagoons. By the end ish Consul for Rarotonga on condition that he be nominated by New
of this century they stand to be affected by global warming, which Zealand and act as the country’s official agent. This “Resident” was
could render some of the northern islands uninhabitable as sea lev- also to act as adviser to the ariki in drafting and administering laws
els rise, freshwater becomes contaminated and coral bleaching and and he would sign all acts of the local legislature in the name of the
subsequent reduction of the reefs means that storms hit the islands Governor of New Zealand. He would also have the right to reject pro-
in full force. posed legislation.
THE MISSIONARIES In 1890 the newly appointed Resident persuaded the ariki of Raroton-
Representatives of the London Missionary Society began arriving in ga to form a provisional Rarotongan legislature or General Council,
the Cook Islands in 1821. After the early conversion of a number of the first government for the entire island. The following year repre-
important ariki (chiefs) support for Christianity increased rapidly sentatives of the ariki from Rarotonga and the Southern Group is-
throughout the Southern Group. Working through the ariki the mis- lands agreed to form the first federal legislature in the islands.
sionaries drew up draft legal codes which together with the abolition However the path through the last decade of the 19th century was far
of violence as a means of dispute settlement, led to unprecedented from smooth and the numerous changes that took place were not well
political stability. In 1881 the British Colonial Office decided that New accepted by the traditional leaders. Ill feeling between the islanders
Zealand interests in the area needed some form of protection against and New Zealand reached a point where two ariki told the New Zea-
foreign powers and the British Government granted a petition by lo- land premier that the traditional leaders wanted the Cook Islands to
cal European traders and planters for the appointment of an unpaid be annexed to Great Britain. On 27 September 1900 the New Zealand
British Consul for the Hervey Islands, as the Southern Group was Parliament approved the annexation of the islands to New Zealand
then known. and the following month the British Governor in New Zealand landed
In 1888, acting on a petition from the principal ariki seeking Brit- at Rarotonga. Without any discussion on its implications, the ariki
ish protection, the British Government agreed to permit its then and other traditional leaders signed a deed of cession and from June
vice-consul in Rarotonga to declare a Protectorate over the South- 11, 1901 the boundaries of New Zealand were extended to include the
ern Group islands to protect pro-British islanders and New Zealand Cook Islands.
trade. Similar protectorates were declared over several islands in the
Northern Group in the early 1890s. The Colonial Office also decided