Page 414 - Melanesia
P. 414
Rarotonga is the capital of the Cook Islands, featuring an internation- Medical & Health Requirements - There are no dangerous animals
al airport and offers many accommodation options for all travelers. or insects and there is no recompression chamber in Cook Islands,
Rarotonga is a popular holiday destination for those seeking anidyllic the closest one is located in New Zealand. It is recommended to have
South Pacific escape. The island is 32 km wide and roughly circular. A Hepatitis A, Tetanus and Typhoid vaccinations when travelling to the
narrow coastal belt rises to stunning central highland peaks of around Cook Islands. Remember that some medications can make you sun
650 metres high. Those on holiday on Rarotonga can enjoy hiking a sensitive, so extra care must be taken to ensure that skin is protected
beautiful cross-island trail roughly north south. Around the coastline from sun burn. Please check with your physician for the best precau-
is an almost continuous white sand beach, trimmed by coconut palms. tions to be taken. (For further details please contact Travel Vax on
Rarotonga has a fringing coral reef that protects an inner lagoon ideal 1300 360 164).
for swimming, snorkelling, sailing, windsurfing and kitesurfing. Currency - The currency of Cook Islands is the New Zealand Dollar.
Aitutaki is spectacularly beautiful, offering a great holiday destina- Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club and American Express credit cards are
tion. The vast expanse of the lagoon is bounded by the islands and its accepted at most hotels.
coral islets. The warm, clear waters of the lagoon are ideal for swim- 1 AUD = approximately 1.25 NZD (August 2010)
ming, snorkelling and kayaking. The white sand beaches and coconut Banking - Trading banks are ANZ and Westpac which is located
palms make Aitutaki a favourite for romantic vacations, honeymoons downtown. Banking hours are 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Fri-
and tropical island weddings. Air Rarotonga offers daily flights to Ai- day, with Western Union also opening Saturday mornings for lim-
tutaki ited hours. There are exchange facilities at the airport and EFTPOS
GENRAL INFORMATION and ATM machines on Rarotonga and Aitutaki. If taking Traveller’s
Getting You Started - The Cook Island are situated 3,500km northeast Cheques, NZD is recommended.
of New Zealand and 1,000km southwest of Tahiti, forming part of Baggage (International flights Ex Australia)
Polynesia. The 15 islands fall into two groups: the scattered North- Air New Zealand- 20kg + 10kg for sporting.
ern Group are all coral atolls while the Southern Group is of volcanic Pacific Blue- 20kg (which 5kg is allocated for sporting goods regard-
origin. The international country code for Cook Islands is 682. Cook less of the actual weight of the item).Domestic carriers are often re-
Islands is 10 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). stricted to 16kg. (Subject to change without notice).
Entry & Visa Requirements (subject to change) - Recreational visitors
with proof of onward passage do not require an entry permit to the
Cook Islands for stays of not more than 31 days. Please check with the
appropriate authorities for the most up to date requirements.