Page 466 - Melanesia
P. 466
AMERICAN HELCAT FIGHTER: (Gizo)) a shallow sene lanterns, mantles, floodlights, sake bottles, in the superstructure.
dive to 10 meters; ammunition is still found in its colognes, a shaving kit, beer bottles and various
wings. The fighter was accidentally shot down other items. The engine room can be seen from BARRACUDA POINT (Mary Island): Like its name-
(the pilot survived and was rescued) in WW2. the rear cargo hold and above the gangway at sake in Malyasia’s Sipadan Island, there are huge
the rear of the boat. The engines, gauges, dials schools of both barracuda and jacks. The differ-
ANUHA (Honiara / Florida Islands) : A shallow and various other equipment is still intact and ence is that these schools are much larger. One
dive located in the Florida Islands, it is basically a can be easily seen in this area. Crockery, glass- can also leave the depths to explore the coral
rubble strewn sandy slope, similar in topography ware and other items have been found through- rubble areas, for here ghost pipefish, leaf fish and
to sites in Lembeh Strait, such as baby batfish, out the various cabins at the rear of the ship. The shrimp gobies rule.
harlequin snake eels and ghost pipefish. deck superstructure consists of winches, spare
anchors, the main mast (complete with a large CUSTOM CAVE (Pavuvu): Across the bay from
AZUSA MARU (Uepi): Japanese Freighter used in brass masthead lantern) and other scattered Leru, on the main island of Pavuvu, there are a
WWII, wrecked in 1942. It is 540 tons and is up to debris. Fish abound around the wreck including number of caves along the wall. Most of these
50 meters long. Lying in approximately 30 – 40 mangrove jack, cod, schooling barracuda and lead to dead ends. The entrance to the Custom
meters of water sitting upright in good condi- trevally. The wreck is covered in corals includ- Cave leads to a 32 meters tunnel that narrows
tion with the deck starting at about 32m and the ing gorgonian fans and black coral. This wreck and goes downward then opens out into a large
bottom of the holds in about 38m, with the stern is appealing to both experienced wreck divers round chamber. There is a hole in the roof where
in about 40 meters. The wreck has two main and reef divers looking for something different. the sunlight filters down in a shaft of light when
cargo holds one of which holds a large amount There are areas which can be penetrated by the sun is high. After you have explored the cave,
of various caliber machine-gun ammunition, the more experienced wreck diver such as the you can enjoy an exciting wall dive with a big
mortars, field artillery shells, unopened boxes, engine room and front storage locker, however swim-through nearby.
bicycle tires and various unknown articles. The an great overview of the ship can be obtained by
other hold contains coal, 44 gallon drums, cables encircling the wreck, swimming through the am-
etc. The forward storage lockers contain kero- munition cargo holds and over the decks taking