Page 467 - Melanesia
P. 467
DEVILS’ HIGHWAY (Florida Islands): An advanced starts after lunch on Njari Island, starting just 20 and the wreck lies close to Bonegi 1. The engine
dive with strong currents (8 to 10 knots), but M off the shore, making it easy access for both block protrudes from the water, making easy
that’s where the mantas cruise. You’re dropped snorkelers and divers. access for snorkelers and good swim throughs
a couple hundred yards from the wall in about for divers, while the stern lies in 20 meters plus.
3 meters of water. Once you approach the drop HIROKAWA MARU, (Honiara / Florida Islands): There are some excellent photo opportunities,
off to the wall, kick hard downward and find a also known as “Bonegi 1”: The Japanese trans- particularly in the aft section of engine room
place to hold on. Mantas continue to swim back port “Hirokawa Maru”, built in 1940 and original- (the cathedral), while lots of blue spotted rays
and forth along the top of the wall, feeding in ly about 146 meters long, was sunk in November bask on the sand.
the current. This is a high current dive site. You 1942 close to the beach near Bonegi Creek, ap-
will be delighted by the dozen or so mantas that proximately 13 km west of Honiara. The ship lies LERU CUT (Russell Islands): This site provides one
continue to swim back and forth along the top on a steep slope on its port side with the bow of the Solomons’ iconic photo-ops as morning
of the wall, feeding in the current. completely shattered and the stern section in sunlight pierces a chasm in the island. Dramatic
reasonable condition. You’ll find excellent coral streams of light penetrate the jungle canopy,
GRAND CENTRAL STATION (Gizo): If its under- growth and fish life here, and it is considered one providing for striking available light shots of
water action you need then this is the place. of the best wreck dives in the Solomons. divers in silhouette. It is basically a cut in the wall
The most north-western tip of the Gizo islands that penetrates in for 100 meters and open is at
is the merge point for oceanic currents and it’s HOT SPOT (Gizo): a small pinnacle, comes up to the top revealing the jungle above. The bottom
here where the fish life, big and small, is at it’s 5 meters from the ocean’s depths of 300-400 of the cut is 20 meters and the dive is normally
best. In the big currents the waters are patrolled meters. As the tide changes, pelagics come and done just before mid-day in order to the streams
by sharks, trevally and batfish. A relatively easy feed on the shoals of bait fish that congregate in of light just right. The inside wall is covered with
dive for all levels of experience and there is no and around. fans, soft corals, nudibranchs, and fusiliers, and
need to go deep to see all the activity. This site is the wall outside the cut is as good.
known for having the second highest fish count KINAGAWA MARU (Hiniara / Florida Islands): also
in the world, with over 270 different species known as “Bonegi 2”: This Japanese transport
of fish identified in a single tank dive. The dive was beached in an attempt to off load supplies