Page 470 - Melanesia
P. 470

THE ELBOW (Uepi): A sheer wall dropping to            by shrimp, diverse fish-life and a huge array of    rally, the resident sharks (Blacktips, Whitetips,
well over 600 meters covered with hard and soft       other invertebrates.                                Greys and - deeper down - Silvertips) patrol to
corals. Keep an eye seaward as you are bound                                                              keep an eye on their ‘larder’. Turn your back on
to see a variety of fish swim by including eagle      THE LIGHTHOUSE (Munda): is a wall dive that         the passing parade and you’ll see masses of
rays, tuna, barracuda, king trevally, darts, and of   drops straight down to 65 meters. There are         barrel sponges, beautiful soft corals and fans,
course the chance of hammerheads. An outside          huge numbers of gorgonians and soft corals          populated by an array of colorful and hard-to-
corner of Uepi Island where the wall is covered       that adorn the wall. Known for a variety of sharks  find critters such as nudibranches, molluscs and
with luxuriant gorgonian fans. Grey whaler            patrolling the wall.                                crustaceans. Keep half on eye out on the blue
sharks, schools of trevally and barracuda are                                                             water, though, as migrating Hammerheads can
common. Often sighted are spotted eagle rays,         TOA MARU (Gizo): a Japanese transport ship sunk     pass by!
turtles, tuna, kingfish and white tip reef sharks.    off Gizo during World War II. The deepest point
Seasonally common are the scalloped ham-              of the wreck is by the stern, which rest in 130     USS AARON WARD (Florida Islands): Destroyer
merhead sharks or maybe a great hammerhead.           feet of water, however the top of the wreck can     is only for the very experienced diver. Mortally
They come with the cold water, usually from           be reached at a depth of 40 feet. The contents      wounded by Japanese aircraft on April 7th 1943
June to November, but can appear anytime.             of the ship’s 6 cargo holds include saki bottles,   she limped as far as Tinete point where she went
After spending some time at the point the rest of     ammunition clips, and a tank. However since the     down in 53 meters – 74 meters of water with
the dive is spent exploring the numerous over-        sinking the ship has been salvaged removing         27 of her crew. This impressive wreck is sitting
hangs, cracks, crevices and swim-throughs of the      some of the cargo, and the ship’s propeller.        upright and intact on the sandy bottom. Possess-
area. “Flashing scallops” or file shells can be seen                                                      ing an extensive arsenal of big guns, this is one
and easily photographed and it is not unusual         TOMBA-TUNI MUSHROOM ISLAND (Munda):                 awesome dive.
to find a cuttlefish along the wall. For those        Dropping vertically for over 500 meters into the
who want to stop and look the walls have many         waters of Blanche Channel, the point can attract
nudibranch, sponges, cleaner stations manned          big schools of fish and passing pelagics. Natu-
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