Page 475 - Melanesia
P. 475
The Florida Islands (or Nggela Islands) are located CRAYFISH CAVES: These aptly named caves lie at
about 30 to 35 kilometres from Honiara. The 24 meters and feature a large number of both
voyage takes approximately 3 hours from the adult and juvenile crayfish.
port in Honiara across the world famous “Iron
Bottom Sound”. Bottom Sound is best known INDUMAMU REEF: There’s a good diversity and
as a mecca for scuba divers, who can explore concentration of marine life centered around this
the dozens of war wrecks that litter its bottom. reef , which is washed by very strong currents.
The main islands are Nggela Sule, Nggela Pile, Sharks are numerous here and Gray, silver and
Sandfly Island, Buena Vesta Island and some black tip can sometimes be found in big groups.
other smaller islands. One of the smaller islands Large schools of Big Eyes share the place with big
is Tulagi, a very small island located on the south- Maori fish. Under each rock numerous Squirrel
ern side of Nggela Sule. To get to Tulagi you need and Sweetlips can be found.
to travel by boat as there are no airstrips at Tulagi
or even on the other islands in the group. Tulagi KOVUHIKA ISLAND: This drift dive will bring you
Island is about 5.5 kilometers long and one or so along a small wall into the middle of a forest of
kilometer wide. giant red and yellow fans before ending on top
of a colorful reef lying at a depth of 3 meters to
FLORIDA ISLANDS DIVE SITES 40 meters. Here Sharks, pelagic and large school
of fusiliers are waiting for you.
BABY CAKE (VELVIIA): An incredible diversity of
fish and invertebrate are concentrated on this MANGALONGA TASAU BAY: This is a good drift
small reef only 2 minutes from Maravagi. Here dive along an impressive and very colorful reef
you’ll find unusual varieties such as crocodile in shallow water at the edge of a wall, where big
fish, Scorpion leaf fish, Stonefish, and lion- dogtooth, eagle ray and giant Bumphead parrots
fish. A dream reef for naturalists or underwater abound.
photograp hers.