Page 479 - Melanesia
P. 479

FLORIDA ISLANDS WRECKS                      KANAWHA: A huge American Oil tanker           war. It now rests upright and nearly com-
                                                                                          pletely intact at a depth of only 20 meters
                                            of 14500 tons, the “Kanawha” was sunk         – 30 meters. The right wing is broken off
                                                                                          and sitting in front of the plane. The nose is
B-17: This Flying Fortress ditched just short in Tulagi Harbor on the same day as the     slightly bent, caused likely from impact at
                                                                                          the bottom. The left wing, fuselage and tail
of its destination after returning from the Aaron Ward. Sitting upright on a flat bot-    are in excellent condition and intact, with
                                                                                          some portions of the outer skin corroded
Shortland Islands. The plane lies on a sandy tom, the deck is at 40 meters and strewn     away to allow divers viewing inside.

bottom and is almost intact, though its tail with artefacts, debris and wreckage. Many    KINAGAWA MARU, also known as “Bonegi 2”:
                                                                                          This Japanese transport was beached in an
is missing. Two machine gun turrets are visi- interesting penetrations lead divers into   attempt to off load supplies and the wreck
                                                                                          lies close to Bonegi 1. The engine block
ble, with access into one of them. The wreck areas such as the engine room, kitchens,     protrudes from the water, making easy ac-
                                                                                          cess for snorkelers and good swim throughs
is now home to many fish, and garden eels tool rooms and crew quarters. As a warship,     for divers, while the stern lies in 20 meters
                                                                                          plus. There are some excellent photo op-
can be found in the sand nearby.            it was heavily armed with guns on the bow,    portunities, particularly in the aft section of
                                                                                          engine room (the cathedral), while lots of
                                            bridge, midships and stern.                   blue spotted rays bask on the sand.

HIROKAWA MARU, also known as “Bonegi

1”: The Japanese transport “Hirokawa Maru”, KAWANISHI H6K5 FLOAT PLANE No. 1: Lying

built in 1940 and originally about 146 me- in the sand just off the flying boat base

ters long, was sunk in November 1942 close at Ghavutu, this Japanese float plane lies

to the beach near Bonegi Creek, approxi- upside down with its huge mooring float

mately 13 km west of Honiara. The ship lies nearby. The H6K5 was the largest Japa-

on a steep slope on its port side with the nese plane at the start of WWII. They flew

bow completely shattered and the stern      between the far reaches of the Japanese

section in reasonable condition. You’ll find empire, but were no match for fighter at-

excellent coral growth and fish life here,  tacks, despite its defensive armament. The

and it is considered one of the best wreck Kawanishi was an excellent, well-built air-

dives in the Solomons.                      plane that was arguably the most advanced

                                            flying boat in the world at the start of the
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