Page 476 - Melanesia
P. 476

MANTA GAP: This region is renowned for its           shark, giant clam, fans and a magnifi­cent reef,.    THE DEVIL’S HIGHWAY: An outstanding dive
wreck diving, but it is also one of the few places   Depth range: 3 meters – 50 meters.                   where you can experience the thrill of 15 – 20
on earth where you can dive with giant manta                                                              resident giant manta rays feeding in the strong
rays. Washed by some very strong currents, these     PASSAGE ROCK: This is a dangerous reef for           current provided by the passage between is-
graceful creatures, measuring 3m-5m in diam-         passing ships, but it is a great spot for pelagic    lands. This really is a unique opportunity to come
eter, feed over the shallow reefs. This high speed   fish. A long vertical drop off, from 3 to 40 meters  close to some of nature’s most graceful and
drift dive is at a 9 meters - 22 meters sandy        in depth, the reef is renowned for big Dog Tooth     impressive creatures. The strong drift dive starts
bottom with long fingers of rock, barrel sponges     Tuna, Kingfish, and Sharks. The top of the reef is   in 3m with most of the action taking place on
and anemones.                                        often washed by strong currents, patrolled by        the edge of the wall at around 10 meters.
                                                     friendly Nurse Sharks and is covered by good
MARAVAGI RESORT REEF: This reef is just off the      soft corals. Depth range: 3 meters – 40 meters.      TWIN TUNNELS: These are ancient lava tubes
beach in front of the resort. It is an easy dive at                                                       beginning on top of a patch reef and dropping
2 – 15 meters where students are introduced to       SANDFLY PASSAGE: This dive brings you to a           vertically down to about 35 meters. The twin
scuba diving. Night dives are also conducted on      beautiful coral garden studded with big red and      tunnels then join into one horizontal tunnel that
this reef.                                           yellow fans, and a great diversity of World-class    exits on the reef wall at 40m. Here you’ll find a
                                                     coral and marine life. The garden turns into a       mass of fish swarming around the reef and some
MBEASIRI POINT: A magnificent colorful wall dive     dramatic wall when reaching Tanavula Point.          major pelagic action including Sharks, Dogtooth
with a lot of fish action. Here you’ll find large    Big Bumphead parrots are common around this          Tuna, Giant Trevally and Barracuda. Depth range:
schools of sardines, big Groupers, Bumphead          dive.                                                18 meters – 40 meters.
Parrots and some pelagic. Depth range: 5 meters
– 40 meters.                                         SOGHONARA ISLAND: There are two dive sites on
                                                     this Island, ranging from 3 meters to 40 meters.
NJANJELAKALAU ISLAND: Also known as Pigeon           The currents attract turtles, sharks and pelagic
Island, this dramatic drop off features pelagic,     along a succession of small walls and slots.
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