Page 481 - Melanesia
P. 481
TAMA MAU MARU: A Japanese mine sweeper USS AARON WARD: Destroyer is only for the
lying at a depth of around 70m. This wreck was very experienced diver. Mortally wounded by
originally up on the islands reef, but has slipped Japanese aircraft on April 7th 1943 she limped
off due to seismic activity which caused it to be as far as Tinete point where she went down in 53
lost again until 1995. Only a handful of divers meters – 74 meters of water with 27 of her crew.
have been down to see her. There are many arti- This impressive wreck is sitting upright and intact
facts on this wreck including lanterns in the rear on the sandy bottom. Possessing an extensive
hold and mines mid-ship. arsenal of big guns, this is one awesome dive.
THE HMNZ MOA: Located in Tulagi harbour, USS JOHN PENN: The huge American transporter
this is the only diveable New Zealand ship in USS John Penn measured 140 meters long and
Solomon Islands. It was well known for its influ- 18 meters wide. It was sunk in 1943 by a torpedo
ence in the sinking of Japanese submarine and is which set off a secondary explosion. Severe
now sitting upright at a depth of 35 meters - 45 damage caused the stern to separate and it can
meters. be found 365 meters away from the main part
of the ship. The wreck lies on its starboard side
US B24 BOMBER: Dive on this ditched Liberator at Lungga Point, east of Honiara, in 60 meters of
bomber then continue with a reef dive. water. The ship is in two parts with most dives
done on the bow section. A deep dive, for experi-
enced divers only.