Page 47 - Melanesia
P. 47

1843 - The siege of Suva, in which 400         self as Tui Viti, and on a Sunday, April 30,   was first mooted and Fiji’s first constitution
people were killed, started over a pig. After  Cakobau became a christian and the death       was drawn up and signed by seven inde-
the initial attack from Rewa and her allies,   drum ‘Rogorogo i valu’ was beaten to herald    pendent chiefs of Fiji, representing the states
the people of Suva had gone back to Uluvatu    his first church service.                      of Bau, Lakeba, Rewa, Bua, Cakaudrove,
and later presented na i soro. The Rewans                                                     Macuata and Naduri, each to form part of
accepted but a small chieftain Kovelevu        April 7, 1855 - The Battle of Kaba, as         the General Assembly. Cakobau was elected
broke the armistice when he clubbed a          Cakobau, aided by King George of Tonga,        president for two years in a row, and when
woman, which received a sharp rejoinder        swept through the Kaba promontory killing      Ma’afu sought the seat in the third year, the
from the husband.                              200 defenders and capturing a further 200,     Fijian chiefs refused to be governed by a
                                               whom Cakobau, in a religious fervor par-       Tongan and withdrew causing the confed-
1844 - First Roman Catholic missionar-         doned. Ratu Mara was captured later at Lev-    eracy to collapse.
ies arrive in Lakeba. On a June morning        uka and taken to Bau where he was hanged.
the Roko Tui Dreketi, Banuve, was invited      Before the hanging he was approached by a      1867 - Ma’afu did not mind and went ahead
aboard Cakobau’s canoe, Ra Marama, where       village elder to pronounce the birth of a son  with his own plans, coming up with the
he was to formally accept Cakobau’s offer      whom he named Madrai-wiwi (sour bread)         “Confederation of North and East Fiji” (Na
of peace, but no sooner had he stepped on      saying his life had turned sour as he was to   Tovata ko Natokalau kei Viti), consisting of
board when Cakobau split his head with his     die. Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi became the father    Lau, Cakaudrove and Bua. Ma’afu managed
battle axe.                                    of Ratu Sir Joseva Lalabalavu Vanaaliali       to assume chairmanship later, as Tui Lau.
                                               Sukuna, the father of modern Fiji.
1848 - Ma’afu had arrived and set up gov-                                                     1869 - The Fiji Times began publication at
ernment at Lakeba. He put in place a Parlia-   1860-1870 - Settlers began to arrive in        this point in time from an office in Levuka
ment and a system of land tenureship and       droves making Levuka their home by choice
lease holdings and taxation, before finally    1864 - Blackbirders arrived in Fiji and with   1870 - The Levuka Charter was ratified by
relocating and moving lock stock and barrel,   them brought the first New Hebrides and        Seru Cakobau, giving the settlers the author-
to Lomaloma in Vanua Balavu                    Solomon Island labourers, to assist in the     ity to set up and police municipal regula-
                                               cotton plantations.                            tions. However, the Charter was voided by
1854 - Tanoa dies and Seru Cakobau as-                                                        a letter from the Governor of New South
sumed the title of Vunivalu and styles him-    1865 - A confederacy of native kingdoms        Wales.
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