Page 50 - Melanesia
P. 50
1952 - On the 8th of January 800 men of the GCC, and for the first time an Indian 1967 - Council of Ministers replaces old
the 1FIR boarded the troopship Asturias for dominated political party had entered the Executive Council and Ratu Mara assumes
Malaya, to take part in the Malayan Emer- race. First South Pacific Games held in the post of Chief Minister.
gency, a tour of duty that would take four Suva. The Great Council of Chiefs met in
years Wakaya and drafted what became known 1968 - University of the South Pacific estab-
as the Wakaya letter, what was to become lished.
December 17, 1953 - Queen Elizabeth II the basic negotiating document of Fijians
arrives in Fiji on her first visit, and the first in the 1960s., asserting the principles of 1970 - Fiji’s first Prime Minister Ratu Sir
ever of any reigning British monarch. Fijian paramountcy signed by Ratu George Kamisese Mara receives the instruments
Cakobau, Ratu Mara, Ratu Penaia Ganilau, of Independence by HRH Prince of Wales,
1954 - Ratu JLV Sukuna (soon to be knight- Semesa Sikivou, Ravuama Vunivalu, AC Prince Charles.
ed) is appointed first Speaker of the Legisla- Reid, John Falvey and RM Major.
tive Council. Fiji Broadcasting Commission 1972 - The first general elections under the
is formed and the Credit Union movement 1965 - A Constitutional delegation left Fiji to 1970 constitution which introduced a bi-
is established. finalise talks on the Constitutional process cameral Parliament composed of an Upper
for the Independence of Fiji. The delegation House (Senate) and a Lower House (House
1955 - Formation of the Housing Authority, was made up of Government and opposition of Representatives. Alliance won 33 of the
to look at the problems of housing in the members, led by the Chief Minister, Ratu 52 seats in the Lower House.
urban centres, for low income earners. Sir Kamisese Mara. The conference was held
at Marlborough House, in sixteen separate 1973 - Ratu Sir George Cakobau is appoint-
1960 - The United Nations General As- sessions. Fishing industry established in ed Govenor General.
sembly passes a resolution defining colonial Levuka.
domination as repression of basic human
rights. 1966 - Formation of political parties includ-
ing Alliance as Legco is enlarged and recon-
1963 - The first general elections which gave stituted. FEA established and the Roman
Fijians total franchise, earlier elections saw Catholic Archdiocese of Suva is established.
Fijians being elected into the Legco through