Page 52 - Melanesia
P. 52
2001 - Elections to restore democracy; Ratu Jope Seniloli found guilty of treason Council of Chiefs and suspends all future
George Speight becomes MP in a new over his involvement in May 2000 coup at- meetings, after the chiefs refuse to endorse
government. Indigenous Prime Minister tempt. He serves a few months of a four-year his government and his nomination for
Laisenia Qarase sworn in, but doesn’t offer sentence. Fijian soldiers leave for peacekeep- vice president. State of emergency lifted but
cabinet posts to opposition Labour Party, ing duties in Iraq. re-imposed in September. Lifted again in
in defiance of constitution. George Speight October.
expelled from parliament for failing to at- 2006 - Great Council of Chiefs elects incum-
tend sessions. Fiji readmitted to the Com- bent President Iloilo to a second, five-year 2008 - Mr Bainimarama appoints himself
monwealth. term. Former PM Sitiveni Rabuka is charged as chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs
with orchestrating a failed army mutiny in (GCC), a body he suspended after it failed to
2002 - George Speight sentenced to death November 2000. Ruling party leader and back his December 2006 coup. Mr Bainima-
for treason. President Iloilo commutes his incumbent PM Laesenia Qarase narrowly rama postpones elections promised for early
sentence to life imprisonment. Govern- wins elections and is sworn in for a second 2009, on the grounds that electoral reforms
ment announces radical privatization plan term. Tensions rise between PM Laesenia could not be completed in time. South
designed to stave off collapse of vital sugar Qarase and military chief Frank Bainima- Pacific leaders warn Fiji that it faces suspen-
industry threatened by withdrawal of EU rama, who threatens to oust the government sion from their regional grouping if it fails
subsidies. after it tries, and fails, to replace him. Mr to show progress towards holding elections.
Qarase goes into hiding as the crisis esca-
2003 - Laisenia Qarase won a second term lates. Frank Bainimarama says in a televised
as premier in May 2006 but was deposed address he has taken executive powers and
within months. Supreme Court rules that dismissed PM Laisenia Qarase. Common-
Laisenia Qarase must include ethnic-Indian wealth suspends Fiji because of the coup.
members of the opposition Labour Party in
his cabinet. 2007 - Mr Bainimarama restores executive
powers to President Iloilo and takes on the
2004 - Former leader Ratu Sir Kamisese role of interim prime minister. Mr Baini-
Mara, considered to be independent Fiji’s marama announces plans to hold elections
founding father, dies aged 83. Vice President in 2010. Mr Bainimarama sacks the Great