Page 56 - Melanesia
P. 56
aveuni and the Koro Sea: The Garden Read about our very own experience here: of the mangrove forests up the Rewa River
T Island past which runs the Somosomo The Best Shark Dive in the World. Delta daily from Nausori makes for an ad-
Strait whose soft coral splendor allows Fiji A rts Village - Pacific Harbour’s Arts Vil- venturous journey.
to lay claim to being ‘The soft coral capital lage is a mixture of historical fantasy
of the world’. The waters around Taveuni and contemporary local flavor. Cultural C hurch of Saint Francis Xavier - Perched
and south into the Koro Sea are rich and high on a hill overlooking the dusty
nutrient-filled, supporting large marine performances include boat tours around Kings Road on the northwestern side of
ecosystems which means lots of great dive
sites. the adjacent lagoon, temple and market Fiji’s main island of Viti Levu, The Church
K adavu - The real Fiji, away from the big tours and traditional displays of Fijian fire of Saint Francis Xavier is a must-visit for its
resorts where life can go at the pace
you want and where the diving feels like walking, all guaranteed to induce ‘oohs’ and unique marrying of European and Fijian.
the last frontier. Eco-friendly resorts, local
culture and plenty of breathtaking dive ‘ahhs’. Straw mats instead of pews meet beauti-
sites in and around the well-known Great
Astrolabe Reef. A stonishing Hot Springs and Mud Baths ful frescos, originally commissioned by the
- Fiji’s hidden hot springs gem is be- former chaplain to the famous Von Trapp
V iti Levu - One of Fiji’s best kept secrets family of The Sound of Music fame.
is the top quality diving at Rakiraki
with colorful pristine reefs and an abun- lieved by locals to have healing properties. F ijian dancing - The traditional dance of
dance of fish. Special mention too must Irrespective of its claims, the three pools, the indigenous people of Fiji Islands,
go the shark feeding dives conducted in warm mud baths and lush natural back-
the waters off Pacific Harbor. You can have
heart-stopping moments with the bosses drop combine to make a seriously relaxing experiencing a meke is almost unavoidable,
of the ocean and just off Fiji’s main island.
experience. particularly if you’re staying at an island re-
B oat trip through mangrove forests - sort. Well-known meke types are fan dances
Many parts of the coast along Viti Levu performed by women, and spear or club
dances performed by men. The locals dress
are covered in mangrove forests. These entirely in the national costume of flower
areas are extremely rich in wildlife and leis, grass skirts and tapa cloth. The men
are favorite spots for local fishing. A boat perform warrior dances while the women
journey through the meandering corridors sing.