Page 57 - Melanesia
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arden of the Sleeping Giant - For         panoramic summits.                              south from March to October. Fiji’s waves
                                                                                                 typically break on coral reefs. Most of the
G peace and tranquility, the Garden of           S igatoka sand dunes - One of Fiji’s            well-known spots are off Viti Levu and can
                                                      natural highlights, the dunes near the     often only be reached by boat.
the Sleeping Giant on the road between
Nadi and Lautoka, at the foot of the Sabeto                                                      T he Fiji Museum - Located in the heart
                                                                                                      of Suva’s botanical gardens, the Fiji Mu-
mountains is the place to go. Formally a         shoreline of the Sigatoka River have been       seum houses an extensive archaeological
                                                                                                 collection dating back 3,700 years, includ-
private orchid garden now open to the pub- forming for millions of years. Windblown              ing cultural objects representing both Fiji’s
                                                                                                 indigenous inhabitants and other commu-
lic, beautiful orchids and flowering plants and rugged, these dunes are a far cry from           nities that have settled in the island group
                                                                                                 over the past 100 years. Of particular note
abound here.                                     those of the Sahara – the sand is grey-         is the rudder of the HMS Bounty of mutiny
N aihehe Sacred Caves - Situated deep in         brown in color and covered with vines and
       the Sigatoka Valley, the caves are pop-   shrubs. The dunes are also one of the larg-     T rekking in Taveuni - Taveuni has a
                                                 est burial sites in the Pacific.                     number of popular trekking trails found
                                                                                                 all over the island. The Lavena Coastal Walk
ular with tourists and locals alike. Once a      S ri Siva Subramaniya Temple - A must-          and Tavoro Falls offer some wonderful
fortress of Fiji’s last pagan tribes, the caves       see for culture vultures, Nadi’s Sri Siva  hiking opportunities with well signposted
contain a priest chamber, sacred pond and                                                        tracks to follow. For those who are serious,
                                                                                                 the Vidawa Forest Walk, the trek up to Lake
great Cathedral Chamber. The caves are           Subramaniya Temple is the largest Hindu         Tagimaucia and the Des Voeux ascent are
                                                                                                 particularly challenging climbs.
still considered sacred today and locals still temple in the Southern Hemisphere. Illus-

frequent to pay tribute to their ancestors. trating the architectural diversity for which

S caling Mount Batilamu - Fiji boasts            Fiji is well known, the three-part temple
     spectacular vistas aplenty, however,        is dedicated to the deity Murugan whose
                                                 statue, specially carved in India, is housed

for unparalleled views, take a day trip from in the main temple.

Nadi or Lautoka to scale the ‘sleeping giant’,   S urfing in Viti Levu - A growing number
                                                      of surfing camps are off southern and
Mount Batilamu. The ascent takes hikers
through the Koroyanitu National Heritage

Park past tempting waterholes, through           western Viti Levu. There’s surf throughout

small villages, and up to green-swathed,         the year with the best swells out of the
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