Page 62 - Melanesia
P. 62

isit Tavuni Hill Fort – This is a great   be 1.4 meters (4’7) to participate in the        see fire walkers and learn about life in a Fi-
                                                ropes course.Hop aboard the Coral Coast          jian village. Check out the local arts & crafts
V tour for insight into the history of the
beautiful Fiji islands. There is a guided tour Railway for an adventure with your family. and see coconut tree climbing demonstra-

where you are shown the burial mounds,          You will meander through the villages and tions. Enjoy a delicious meal at one of the

ceremonials sites and amazing views of the countryside on this old sugar cane locomo- restaurants. It is located in Pacific Harbour.

Sigatoka river and nearby villages.             tive. Stop at a lovely beach and enjoy a BBQ
                                                Fdinner. Bring some pencils, small toys and
T ake a day trip to one of the nearby                                                            iji’s Cannibal Ovens near Sigatoka (Coral
     islands with a local tour operator - Your  candy for the children you encounter along       Coast) - Fiji’s cannibalistic past is quite

                                                the way.                                         legendary including the tomb of Ratu Udre-

family can enjoy beautiful beaches and ex-      K ula Eco Park - is an excellent Fiji family     udre who made the Guiness Book of records
cellent snorkeling. Glass Bottom Boat Rides           attraction for babies, toddlers and chil-  for the most notorious cannibal, at over
are great for babies, toddlers and children                                                      872 well eaten victims. The Naihehe Caves

of all ages. Fiji is home to 300 varieties of dren. Your kids will love seeing the iguanas, near Sigatoka, with a good guide, gives you

coral and many beautiful sea creatures.         birds, fruit bats, snakes and turtles. This      a glimpse of how they treated the enemy

Great way to see life under water! One of       is an interactive park with walk through         once defeated in battle.

the best things to do in Fiji with kids!        enclosures, feeding areas, and your little       S uva’s Markets - The Suva Municipal
                                                ones can even hold a snake or iguana. It is           Market is a relaxing and friendly stroll
K ila World - Climb, swing and zip through      located near Sigatoka.                           around checking out all the local products
      the low and high ropes course. Don’t                                                       including where you can get your stash of
miss the giant swing and leap of faith!         T he Arts Village - is one of the most           kava.
There are beautiful rainforest trails and            interesting Fiji family attractions. Here

fresh water swims to enjoy. Children must your family can watch the traditional dance,
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