Page 59 - Melanesia
P. 59

atersports - With all of the crystal   S easpray Day Sailing Adventure - Sail         The first cave is magnificent. Light filters
                                                     the outer Mamanuca Islands aboard the     through, allowing you to look around in
W clear waters that surround these                                                             awe. If you’re up for a little adventure, we

islands, there is no shortage of watersports

to be found. Diving, swimming, snorkeling, classic old sailing schooner, Seaspray. Dive recommend you take the option to enter a

surfing, sailing, fishing, water boarding,      into the turquoise water for snorkeling and secondary cavern. To get there you need to

kayaking, and much more can be found on swimming, enjoy a traditional Fijian village swim through an underwater tunnel. It’s all

almost all the Fiji Islands. You can also swim visit and Kava ceremony (except Sundays) a little bit spooky but the guides will look

in numerous waterfalls found in the forest, and (always a highlight!), visit the island        after you and it is awesome!

coastal parks and reserves.                     featured in the Tom Hanks movie ‘Castaway’.
                                                RThe sand is so white it’s almost blinding.
W ildlife watching - Watch for fruit                                                           eef snorkelling/Swim with sharks -
         bats, parrots and marine turtles. You  Don’t’ forget your sunglasses! All beer, wine  Moua Reef is only a short boat ride from

                                                and non-alcoholic drinks, morning/after-       the white sandy beaches of Kuata and Waya

should also check out the acres of orchids noon tea and a barbecue lunch are includ- Lailai Islands. The reef is a spectacular site

and flowering plants in the Garden of the ed. It’s a stunner!                                  from above and below the water with an

Sleeping Giant at the foot of the Sabeto        S awailau Caves Trip - These ancient lime      abundance of colorful fish and beautiful
Mountains, and the Sigatoka Sand Dunes               stone caves are situated inside a pretty  corals that call this reef home. This outer
off the main Queens Highway on Viti Levu.                                                      reef is also home to some friendly reef

W indsurfing in the Mamanuca - Ideal            little island in the Blue Lagoon region. The   sharks. Jump in and snorkel with them. It
         water conditions, big waves and a      boat trip up to the caves is worth doing       gets the adrenalin pumping, but they eat
                                                for its own sake because the scenery will      fish not people so no need to worry! Your

year round breeze makes windsurfing in Fiji blow you away. But then there’s the magical local guides hand feed the sharks creating

amazing. Most resorts offer the sport – with experience of the caves themselves. You’ll awesome underwater photo opportunities.

instruction too – but if you’re a pro and       be greeted by Fijian locals, who will guide

are looking for something special, the best you down some steps and into the caves.

windsurfing can be found in the                 Hold the handrail, as it can get slippery!
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