Page 61 - Melanesia
P. 61
lue Lagoon snorkeling trip - The Blue njoy the Beach - Head to one of the the cave including the cannibals. A deli-
cious lunch and traditional dancing back at
B Lagoon is simply stunning. It is a large E many beautiful beaches for a day of fun
lagoon that laps at the golden sand beach- in the sun. Babies will love splashing in the the village are included.
es of the islands that encase it. The water beautiful blue waters, toddlers and small Z iplining in the beautiful Fiji rainfor-
shimmers all sorts of blue and it beckons children will have fun building sand castles! est - Children and teenagers will love
all into its delicious depths! Experience the Teenagers will love relaxing in the sun. This
beautiful coral and fish that swim beneath is one of the best things to do in Fiji with flying across the 8 zip lines (up to 500 feet
the lagoon on a snorkeling trip. Take your kids and the reason many people visit Fij. long!). Your Fiji family adventure starts with
underwater camera if you have one. Natadola Beach on Viti Levu (south of Nadi) an instructional safety course with help on
F iji Handline fishing trip - This fun trip is is one of the most beautiful on the main is- using the harness and equipment. Ages five
a great way to get chatting to the Fijian land. There is horseback riding and vendors and up! This activity operates out of Pacific
selling trinkets here. The best beaches are Harbor in Fiji. Garden of the Sleeping Giant
locals and meet other villagers out in their found on the smaller islands nearby. Don’t makes a nice break from the beaches and
boats, bringing in your catch for the day. forget to pack some beach toys, biode- pools.
The fishing trip is more about the experi- gradable sunscreen (so you don’t harm the W hitewater rafting tour - Located near
the Garden of the Sleeping Giant
ence of throwing over a hand-line, laughing coral) and sunhats. near Nadi. Enjoy the sheer beauty of Fiji
on a whitewater rafting tour. You will float
and joking with your crew and admiring the
view than actually catching a fish. If you do,
alad Bowl Adventure Tour - is a great
Sit’s a bonus! way to introduce your family to the Fi-
S unset tube cruise - A bit of fun under jian culture. Your tour will start in Sigatoka down the Navua River through class II-III
the sun! Chill out, cool drink in hand with a guided drive through the beautiful rapids, see lots of waterfalls and squeeze
countryside. You will enjoy a traditional through passages only 5 feet wide with
and mates floating around you as you get kava ceremony at a local village followed by volcanic walls extending up to 40 meters
pulled through the water and watch the a trip across the river on a bamboo raft fol- high. Enjoy the tranquil rain forests of Fiji
sunset. What a great way to end the day in lowed by a short hike to the cave. Kids will and watch the herons, parrots and fruit bats
Fiji! love hearing the stories and folklore about along the way.