Page 499 - Melanesia
P. 499
Mary’s island has plentiful reef sharks, big both Jacks and Barracuda swirling toward the hard downward and find a place to hold on.
schools of jacks, big schools of barracuda, oc- sun. As you swim up thru the mass of fish, you Mantas continue to swim back and forth along
casional tuna. Big bumphead parrotfish are com- have to pay attention to your depth gauge to the top of the wall, feeding in the current. This is
monly seen here, and you may see a napoleon prevent too rapid accent. a high current dive site. You will be delighted by
wrasse. Typically an entire day of diving is done the dozen or so mantas that continue to swim
here. This is the main place for “big stuff” - defi- DEVILS’ HIGHWAY: An advanced dive with strong back and forth along the top of the wall, feeding
nitely a wide-angle site. currents (8 to 10 knots), but that’s where the in the current.
mantas cruise. You’re dropped a couple hundred
BARRACUDA POINT: This site in on Mary’s Island. yards from the wall in about 3 meters of water.
It has multiple schools (in the hundreds of fish) Once you approach the drop off to the wall, kick