Page 502 - Melanesia
P. 502

In addition to the fantastic reefs and abundant          place for that extended safety stop.                  the cave and reaching a maximum depth of 35
marine life, there are wrecks from WWII that have                                                              meters, you reach the outer wall of the island,
created artificial reefs. There are 6 fighter planes, a  HAEPE PINNACLE: Rising from the deep waters           along with the abundant sea life including Pygmy
Japanese Freighter and a small US dump site. On          the coral mount attracts a wide variety of fish       seahorses. There are many potential dangers
the surface, there are plentiful cetacean sight-         life. It is patrolled by numerous sharks, king-       inherent in diving in an overhead environment,
ings including dolphins, pilot whales and the odd        fish, barracuda and trevally in addition to being     such as silt, disorientation, loss of light, and no
minke whale, plus the chance of seeing leather-          home to many of the larger reef residents such as     direct access to the surface in an emergency.
back sea turtles. Munda is in close proximity to         bumphead parrotfish and maori wrasse. This large
some of the top dive locations with over 25 dive         site offers almost everything, with beautiful hard    LANGARANA ISLAND – Explore the numerous
sites to explore.                                        corals at the top of the reef, big gorgonian fans     cracks, holes and hidden swim-through forma-
                                                         and elephant-ear sponges deeper. Two big drop-        tions on this beautiful wall that drops off into
BOB PART: the wall at Bob slopes steeply down to         offs also attract the pelagic fish, schools of big    the deep, blue waters of the Blanche Channel.
55 meters or so - and then just gets steeper. Vis-       maori wrasse, reef sharks, rays and large schools     Covered in green and lilac colored tube sponges,
ibility often exceeds 60 meters at depth. Known          of reef fish. A great site for any level from novice  sea fans and colorful soft corals, the wall is lit up
for big silvertip and galapagos sharks.                  to advanced.                                          by shafts of sunlight penetrating the overhanging
                                                                                                               tree canopy.
EAGLES NEST: Located off the back of Kundu               KASTOM SHARK CAVE: The volcanic island of
Kundu Normana. On the surface there are a few            Ndokendoke has an amazing cave system that            MATIANA CAVE: is very deep and silty to get into,
large rocks breaking the surface where eagles            penetrates from a bush clad fresh water pool in       but has a stunning main chamber, while Wayne
often make their nests. Below, huge gorgonians           the middle of the island. To reach the start of       Manor is a tight squeeze in places but has a blind
and lush soft corals hang off the wall. Schools of       this cave dive you’ll walk with full dive gear onto   exit into a bat cave. There’s also plenty of explora-
barracuda swim along the wall, as well as other          the island and through the mangroves. The cave        tion still to be done around the Roviana area, with
pelagic and often you will catch the bump-head           entrance is a pool of fresh water about 2 meters      both sea caves and sinkholes likely.
parrot fish, either singly or in large schools. At the   wide. As you descend, the cave is large enough to
end of the wall you come to a shallow plateau            be comfortable and there is a guide line through
ranging from 10 meters to the surface; the perfect       the cave for easier navigation. After penetrating
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