Page 507 - Melanesia
P. 507
THE STALK: Dropping to 55 meters on the MUNDA ISLAND WRECKS his P.T. Boat 109, during WWII.
point of Mushroom Island gives divers a
chance to peer into a true abyss, often in AIRACOBRA: Discovered only in April 2011, KASI MARU: This W.W.II Japanese freighter
the company of curious sharks and dart- little is known about this American P-39 sank at her mooring along with a barge
ing tuna. The wall itself is also stunning at fighter, but we believe it is one of two and another small boat, which now rest
depth, with a wealth of soft corals, black aircraft lost by the USAAF 68th Fighter alongside her. Although only 45 meters
corals and fans. Squadron during a raid on Shortland on long, the Casi Maru is a great poke-around
September 6th 1943. dive for wreck enthusiasts. The wreck sits in
TOMBA-TUNI MUSHROOM ISLAND: Drop- twenty meters from the shore; the hull lies
ping vertically for over 500 meters into DAUNTLESS: This American SBD-4 Douglas in 18 meters, which makes it a good site for
the waters of Blanche Channel, the point (Dauntless) dive-bomber was shot down in snorkelers and novice divers. More experi-
can attract big schools of fish and pass- June 1943 during a raid and is now a very enced divers can penetrate further into the
ing pelagics. Naturally, the resident sharks popular dive site. Hit by anti-aircraft fire, fire-damaged engine room and accommo-
(Blacktips, Whitetips, Greys and - deeper Jim Dougherty (the pilot), attempted to fly dation.
down - Silvertips) patrol to keep an eye back to the Russell Islands. Unfortunately,
on their ‘larder’. Turn your back on the the aircraft and Jim made a crash landing KOVIKI CORSAIR: This F4U-1 Corsair sits on
passing parade and you’ll see masses of in Rendova Harbor. This historical wreck a white sand bottom just off the reef at 54
barrel sponges, beautiful soft corals and lies intact in 12 meters of water, inhabited meters. Almost completely intact, this is a
fans, populated by an array of colorful and by plentiful marine life. Lieutenant Dough- great example of one of the classic aircraft
hard-to-find critters such as nudibranches, erty was transported back to his unit in the of WWII.
molluscs and crustaceans. Keep half on eye Russell Islands by a P.T. Boat form nearby
out on the blue water, though, as migrating Lumbaria Island, base of J.F. Kennedy and
Hammerheads can pass by.