Page 512 - Melanesia
P. 512
LEVER DUMP/WHITE REACH/YANDINA: These NORTHERN POINT: This dive site is along the a soft coral garden. The 30 meter drop off down
three sites were formed when at the end of WWII North end of Double Island. At a depth of 4 a perpendicular wall brings you face to face with
masses of American equipment was driven into meters soft corals hide many different types of Moray Eels, and if you look hard enough there
the sea. Jeeps, trucks, bulldozers, barges, tones nudibranchs and you’ll also find blue spotted may be a few lobsters hiding among the cracks.
of ammunition of all sizes and other military para- rays here. This outcrop drops off to a depth of 30
phernalia make these dive sites unique. meters. Large gorgonians fans provide sanctuary TWIN TUNNELS: The Twin Tunnels is a coral bom-
for butterfly cod and large barrel sponges line the mie which gets its name from the two vertical
LION FISH KOEMURUN ISLAND: A wall dive of- gently sloping wall. shafts near its western face. The top of the reef
fering spectacular giant multicolored Gorgonian is in 2 meters of water and the tunnel entrance
sea fans. A relaxing drift dive, this wall starts right ORCHID ROCK: Drift dive along a wall covered at 14-16 meters. The tunnels meet in a common
on the surface and ends in unimaginable depths, with huge gorgonian Fans, and is often visited by cavern which exit onto a reef wall at 35-40 meters.
allowing each diver to enjoy the wall at their own hump headed Wrasse. It is then a short swim into the current to watch
comfort level. the fish action. Large fish frequent this site: tuna,
PRESENTATION POINT: Drift dive through a laby- sharks, barracuda, humphead wrasse and the odd
MANE ISLAND: A wall dive typical of Solomon rinth of tunnels, caves and swim throughs. turtle.
Islands diversity in both invertebrate and pelagic
forms. SILILONA REEF: A patch reef rising to within three WRECK OF THE ANNE: A freighter sunk several
meters of the surface, plummeting down on all years ago, it sits upright with its stern in 12 meters
MANTA GAP: This site speaks for itself. Giant sides. A pinnacle in the sea, it attracts masses of and her bow in 36 meters. This wreck is an ideal
Manta Rays are often seen here, feeding in the fish and marine life of all types. night dive spot and macro-fanatics will find them-
current. The dive has a gentle sloping sandy bot- selves in macro heaven.
tom strewn with long fingers of rock covered with SOUTHERN GARDEN: 4 meter outcrop covered in
fans, barrel sponges and anemones.