Page 509 - Melanesia
P. 509
The Russell Islands offer virtually unlimited div- butterfly fish, humphead parrot fish and other diving.
ing possibilities with a wide variety of sites. A reef dwellers while just a short distance away
typical one week charter offering five dives a schools of barracuda, big-eye trevally and other AARON’S REEF: Aaron’s Reef is a kaleidoscope of
day only begins to touch on this. The walls, reefs, pelagics cruise in the blue waters. The amount color bommie dive where you’ll see Pipe Fish,
pinnacles and coral gardens of Solomon Islands and variety of sea life is astounding. Manta Clams, Clown Fish, Anemones and a mixture of
support an amazing variety and quantity of sea shrimp, ghost pipefish, and pygmy seahorses are hard and soft corals.
creatures. The varieties of fish are staggering. only a few examples of what you may find. The
Within a few meters of each other, individually or following is a list of several of favorite dive spots
in schools can be seen anemone fish, angel fish, which demonstrates the diversity and types of