Page 501 - Melanesia
P. 501
Munda is a quiet little town serving as a gateway hill behind the village lie the ruins of an ancient Silvertips turn up regularly. Eagle rays, shoaling
to the Vona Vona and Roviana Lagoons. There are coral fortress protecting the stone dog-idol pre- barracudas and other pelagic are also common-
daily flights from Honiara and Gizo. Munda was viously worshipped by the tribe. Munda’s reefs place. Occasional encounters with silkys, oceanic
an important military airfield during WW2 and are in pristine condition, with lush soft corals and whitetips, silvertips and scalloped hammerheads
there are war relics everywhere: in the bushes, gigantic sea fans. Visibility varies from 20 - 40+ (from December - June) add to the excitement.
on the beaches, in the water. There is great wreck meters. There are spectacular walls, dropping off Snorkelers will also appreciate the extensive
diving available. Roviana Island, situated in the to over 600 meters, teeming with real big fish intact hard coral gardens in the shallows.
lagoon at Munda has a colorful history of head- action. Grey reef, black tip, and white tip sharks
hunting, animist religion and tribal wars. On the routinely patrol the reefs, and the occasional big