Page 519 - Melanesia
P. 519

DEKU DEKURU: 25 minutes from Uepi. This       and bullnose rays, along with small reef         dripping webs of sponges. Again, keep one
dive includes a series of shallow cave and    sharks, cod, trout, flutemouths, down to the     eye seaward for those travelling pelagics,
cavern systems. For the ‘Hidden Cave” you     smaller coral inhabitants like damsels and       but be sure you don’t miss the resting turtle
need an experienced guide just to find the    pullers, nudibranchs, flatworms and other        commonly found here.
cave and then lead you thru a bewildering     invertebrates. Explore the deeper lagoonal
twisting maze of a cave. The “Open Cave” is   basin, a site for small manta rays. The in-      GENERAL STORE: Fifteen minute boat trip
a spectacular canyon with beautiful coral     ner reef has interesting topography with         from Uepi. The dive commences on a stun-
reflections framing the overhead green        many overhangs, tunnels and caverns to           ning drop off festooned with invertebrates
jungle against the blue sky. The “Dark Cave”  explore. The outer reef area has hard corals,    including colorful sea fans. Nudibranchs
is a comfortable enclosed tunnel emerging     snapper, surgeon and unicorn fish, huge          are common. Eagle rays & the occasional
you from the darkness into the bluest of      bumphead parrotfish and wrasses. Look for        hammerhead glide past. After checking
blue water. Deku is different and provides    the cleaning stations. The ocean side of the     out the wall divers reach a large bombie
outstanding, unique but demanding photo       outer reef drops off into endless depths and     perched on the drop-off edge. Profusely
opportunities. The walls between the three    the possibility of sighting large pelagics,      covered in rich life from the depths to the
cave areas also offer some interesting        dolphins and turtles exists as for all the wall  crest at 5 meters divers traverse the various
overhangs and very pretty corals with a fair  areas at Uepi.                                   depths. Leaving the bombie by crossing a
chance of seeing rays and turtles. The point                                                   hard coral garden, divers enter an extensive
between the two cave areas also offers        ELBOW CAVES: Deep gutters through the            swim through area that takes them into
some interesting overhangs and corals.        reef wall, almost totally enclosed in sec-       shallow hard coral gardens. Noted for close
                                              tions make this dive memorable. Columns          encounters with families of bumphead
DIVERS BAY: Take a tour of the upper reef     of sunlight radiate through cathedral like       parrotfish and the endemic Solomon Island
wall and swim through the various gutters     caverns. A large school of diamond-fish          anemone fish. A swim along the wall takes
to a lagoonal garden of hard corals. A vari-  disguises the entrance to one cavern, often      you back to the crest of the bombie for your
ety of anemones and associated clown fish,    with barracuda flying through for a meal.        exit. Named General Store as it has a bit of
damsels and cleaning shrimps to delight       Between the gutters, the upper wall over-        everything.
the photographer. Giant tridacna clams        hang forms ledges with abundant fans and
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