Page 520 - Melanesia
P. 520

INSIDE POINT: A sloping walled point at the          sive, wide and long, deep-water passage with           particular has ledges profuse in coral life and as-
Marovo Lagoon end of the passage, just in front      prolific fish life, large fans, craggy overhangs and   sociated aquarium fish and is a series of overhang
of the resorts dining-room deck. The resident        sharks. Ideal for multilevel diving, with the shal-    areas with sandy bottoms. The invertebrate life
gang of whaler sharks parade past and circle this    low depths just as fascinating as the deeper.          is prolific and the dive is most suited to people
point when the incoming or outgoing current is                                                              who want to spend time looking for small crit-
running. The adjacent richly coral covered walls     MATEANA REEF: This extensive reef lies straddled       ters. Many goby shrimp combos, twin spot goby,
have an endless supply of small overhangs and        across a wide but shallow passage between two          coral shrimps, nudibranch and invertebrates are
picture caverns to peer into. A small cove in the    islands. There are millions of small reef fish living  common. Ghost pipefish, sea moth and exotic
wall attracts very high concentrations of barra-     all over this hard coral reef. A maze of color and     nudibranchs have been found. For divers who like
cuda. Finish the dive on the reef top to spot large  movement. No need to dive deep but the topog-          to just look at the wall and not go deep, this dive
grouper, octopus, molluscs, tubeworms, nudi-         raphy from below is impressive. Eagle rays frolic      is very beautiful because of the topography, sea
branchs and holothurians and watch the colorful      off the wall at mating times.                          fans, hard coral and fish life. Cuttlefish are often
reef fish.                                                                                                  found and have been recorded laying eggs in this
                                                     MONGO PASSAGE: An enormous, simply breath-             area. Pygmy seahorses hide out in specific sea
LANDIRI DROP-OFF AND CORAL GARDENS: A                taking drop-off, featuring schooling barracuda,        fans.
varied dive, which takes in a drop-off and a tour    curious sharks, beautiful gorgonian fans and a
through coral gardens. It is thought to be the       delightful coral garden. A renowned deep water         PENQUIN REEF: an open ocean reef pinnacle
largest range of soft and hard corals to be seen     passage dive half an hour from Uepi. Best with an      washed by waves and home to seabirds. Beauti-
on one dive. A truly spectacular tour, with lots of  incoming tide & strong currents. The mid depth         ful topography and anything is possible with
smaller invertebrates, bull nose, stingrays and the  wall is carpeted with a glorious, golden, soft coral.  the wild life. It is hard to imagine more stunning
occasional hammerhead.                               Streaming fish and the outside facing wall is stun-    coral formations. Huge arrays of anemones with
                                                     ning. Very varied fish life.                           overgrown anemone fish abound.
LUMALIHE PASSAGE: Thirty minutes from Uepi.
Lumalihe leads from the Marovo Lagoon into The       NORTH LOG and South LONG: Each site has its
Slot. Best on an incoming tide. This is an impres-   interest in caverns and ledges. North Log in
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