Page 523 - Melanesia
P. 523

POINT TO POINT: This is an advanced dive.      sharks. Seasonally common are the scal-         cially the flashing file shells. The topogra-
It commences on the opposite side of the       loped hammerhead sharks or maybe a great        phy is spectacular above and below water.
channel to Uepi Point at Charapoanna           hammerhead. They come with the cold wa-
Point (see below). Divers descend quickly      ter, usually from June to November, but can     UEPI PIER: From flashing “scallops” to “shark
then navigate across the passage towards       appear anytime. After spending some time        bommie” in just over 30 meters, to a 15 me-
Uepi Point. During this dive schools of fish   at the point the rest of the dive is spent      ter wall clustered with fans. Rated as one of
numbering in the thousands may be seen,        exploring the numerous overhangs, cracks,       the best shore dives, you’ll see a variety of
mingling with sharks & rays. Outstanding       crevices and swim-throughs of the area.         game fish, spotted eagle rays resting on the
visibility often offers panoramic views in     “Flashing scallops” or file shells can be seen  sand. The wall is great for a night dive.
all directions. Divers must be experienced     and easily photographed and it is not unu-
in currents, deep diving, maintaining a        sual to find a cuttlefish along the wall. For   UEPI POINT DRIFT: From Uepi Point back
planned depth in mid-water & the use of        those who want to stop and look the walls       to the Dive Shop pier, allow yourself the
computers.                                     have many nudibranch, sponges, cleaner          courtesy ride of the incoming tide. The
                                               stations manned by shrimp, diverse fish-life    passage wall meets the floor at about 50m.
THE ELBOW: A sheer wall dropping to well       and a huge array of other invertebrates.        Large gorgonians, huge amphora basket
over 600 meters covered with hard and                                                          sponge, soft coral trees and small hard
soft corals. Keep an eye seaward as you        THE SINKHOLE: directly under it in a few        corals cram the slope. You’ll encounter
are bound to see a variety of fish swim by     meters of water is a vertical shaft allowing    schools of trevally, rainbowrunner, barra-
including eagle rays, tuna, barracuda, king    comfortable descent to 28 meters. A hori-       cuda and other pelagics like mackerel, tuna
trevally, darts, and of course the chance of   zontal cave then traverses about 20 meters      and sharks, along with an abundance of
hammerheads. An outside corner of Uepi         seawards where the ceiling ends and the         reef fish including butterfly-fish, basselets,
Island where the wall is covered with luxuri-  cave develops into a canyon with widening       angelfish, unicornfish, surgeons, fusiliers,
ant gorgonian fans. Grey whaler sharks,        vertical walls. The floor terminates at about   wrasses, the resident scorpion ‘firefish’ and
schools of trevally and barracuda are com-     50 meters depth where the broken remains        clown-trigger fish.
mon. Often sighted are spotted eagle rays,     of a USA barge rests, right on the lip of a
turtles, tuna, kingfish and white tip reef     deep drop-off. The marine life is nice espe-
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