Page 527 - Melanesia
P. 527
AZUSA MARU: Japanese Freighter used in WWII, mast (complete with a large brass masthead
wrecked in 1942. It is 540 tons and is up to 50 lantern) and other scattered debris. Fish abound
meters long. Lying in approximately 30 – 40 around the wreck including mangrove jack, cod,
meters of water sitting upright in good condition schooling barracuda and trevally. The wreck is
with the deck starting at about 32m and the bot- covered in corals including gorgonian fans and
tom of the holds in about 38m, with the stern in black coral. This wreck is appealing to both expe-
about 40m. The wreck has two main cargo holds rienced wreck divers and reef divers looking for
one of which holds a large amount of various something different. There are areas which can
caliber machine-gun ammunition, mortars, field be penetrated by the more experienced wreck
artillery shells, unopened boxes, bicycle tires and diver such as the engine room and front storage
various unknown articles. The other hold con- locker, however an great overview of the ship
tains coal, 44 gallon drums, cables etc. The for- can be obtained by encircling the wreck, swim-
ward storage lockers contain kerosene lanterns, ming through the ammunition cargo holds and
mantles, floodlights, sake bottles, colognes, a over the decks taking in the superstructure.
shaving kit, beer bottles and various other items.
The engine room can be seen from the rear cargo DAUNTLESS DIVE-BOMBER: Located in 13 meters
hold and above the gangway at the rear of the and close to the P38 these two wrecks are nor-
boat. The engines, gauges, dials and various oth- mally combined as the shallow water final dive
er equipment is still intact and can be easily seen of the Bapita Trip. Upside down but intact except
in this area. Crockery, glassware and other items for the cockpit cowling the unique features of
have been found throughout the various cabins this very successful dive-bomber can be easily
at the rear of the ship. The deck superstructure seen; radial engine, bomb in the cradle and per-
consists of winches, spare anchors, the main forated air brakes amongst them.