Page 528 - Melanesia
P. 528

IWAMI MARU: A Japanese freighter used in       P38 FIGHTER: This aircraft wreck is situated   sits upright in 40m. There is a gun mounted
WW11. It is 775 tons and estimated up to       off the airstrip at Seghe, in about 8 meters   on the foredeck but the holds are bar-
55 meters long. It was sunk 26th December      and is in excellent condition. Being intact,   ren having been emptied by salvagers.
1942. It is upright and in good condition      divers can easily see the many features of     The stern of the vessel has been blown by
although the stern has been subject to an      this huge, twin fuselage, single seater WWII   explosives. But this wreck often has very
explosion and is moderately damaged. The       fighter. The surrounding reef is a great       good visibility. Very large fish such as giant
wreck was sunk near a Japanese base at         spot for soft corals, nudibranchs, colorful    trevally and huge cod live in the open su-
Wickham harbor in 1942. She lays upright       elephant ear sponges & a bit of ‘mucking’.     perstructure & huge schools of fish swarm
in 38 meters of water with the bow slightly                                                   over it. This makes it a very popular dive for
raised. The masthead is at about 15 meters     TAIYO FISHING BOAT: is a wrecked 35 meter      photographers. Various opinions as to the
and the top of the superstructure about        tuna fishing boat. Run aground on its          origin & nationality of this vessel have been
28m. The ship is believed to have been skip    maiden voyage, a salvage attempt has left      offered ranging from Japanese freighter to
bombed: this is evident through holes in       it completely vertical, perched precariously   USA troop carrier.
the starboard side, just above the water line  bow up stern down against a sheer drop-off
near the bow. The ship has two cargo holds,    face. The bow is in 1 meter of water and the   UNIDIENTIFIED WRECK II: The fourth wreck,
one large hold towards the front of the ship   stern rests on a narrow coral ledge. Below     the latest addition, is the largest and shal-
and one smaller one amidships. A main          it the drop-off plunges downwards into         lowest (15m to 27m) with the deck at 15
feature of this wreck is the easily accessi-   the blue. The boat is completely intact and    meters, making it the obvious last dive. It is
ble engine room, various deck equipment        is fully equipped. A surreal sight. Silvertip  upright and in good condition. It also has
including anchors & winches. Marine life is    sharks cruise by at times.                     very prolific fish life, a wheeled artillery
reasonably abundant with a resident and                                                       piece on the bow and four cargo holds.
very curious school of batfish.                UNIDENTIFIED WRECK 1: Located about 1
                                               km from the other two wrecks this wreck
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