Page 325 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 325
Santa Rosalia
Santa Rosalía is a city located on the Rosalía is not located by the town, but rath- available from Guaymas and twice a week
Baja California peninsula, in the north- er in Mulegé, about 100 km (62 mi) south. from Hermosillo, Sonora. This town boasts
ern part of the Mexican state of Baja Cali- Santa Rosalía is a port city, and a regu- French influence, particularly in its architec-
fornia Sur. It was named after Saint Ro- lar ferry connects with Guaymas, Sonora, ture. The French company El Boleo found-
salia, although the reason for the name is on the other side of the Gulf of California. ed the town in 1884 and exploited cop-
not quite clear since the Misión de Santa At the Palo Verde Airport daily flights are per mines there until they closed in 1954.