Page 330 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 330
ike everywhere in Central and South America, it was the Spanish sla San Ildefonso is a remote island, about 2 1/2 hours steaming
time, south of Mulege. It lies on the outside of Punta Concepcion
L IConquistadores and behind them, the Spanish Church, who es-
tablished missions and settlements, with the intention of conquer- in very deep water. The depth is what attracts some of the larger pe-
ing the entire area for the Church and the Crown. The valley of the lagics in the Sea of Cortez, including Manta Rays, Mobula and vari-
then-unnamed river was ideal for a mission and a settlement, be- ous whale and shark species. The warm currents that push north in
cause of its abundance of water. Mulegé is internationally famous the summer provides a perfect environment for the Giant Rock Scal-
for its rich fishing grounds in the Sea of Cortez. A warm current from lops and other invertebrate life along its shores. You can also see an
the southern and a cold current from the northern Pacific come to- amazing selection of bird populations including the Western Sea-
gether in the Mulegé area of the Sea of Cortez and encourage a gulls, Herrmann’s Gulls, California Pelicans, a variety of Tern species,
great variety of different fish species. The Sea is named after the Cormorants, Frigate birds, and the ever playful Boobies. Due to the
Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés. In the past Mulegé made its liv- travel time involved in getting to such a remote island, the trip as
ing mostly from fishing and from farming. Today tourism is a ma- a prearranged 2 or 3 day “aquaventure”. The trips involve camping,
jor income source for Mulegé. Some come for the area’s deep sea either under a grass shelter locally called a Palapa, or in tents. The
fishing. Kayaking, cave tours and bird watching, and fishing, with trips are primarily in the least windy season, September through
or without charters to catch a big game fish, are popular attrac- October. The diving in intermediate to advance around the island,
tions. Today’s tourism industry in Mulegé is based on the fact that however snorkelers can also have a wonderful time out there. Isla
in 1976 the Highway MX 1 - a paved road - was constructed and San Ildefonso is probably the best scuba diving in the immediate re-
Mulegé became easily accessible by land. A trip from the US border gion with tall jagged rock faces jutting 400 feet/122 meters into the
to Mulegé takes no more than 12 hours today. Before the highway air. Equally dramatic are the drop-offs below water. In many areas,
was constructed, such a trip could take four days. By land, Mulegé the walls of this remote island plummet past 200 feet/61 meters.
is accessible by Federal Highway 1, which runs from Tijuana at the There are no friendly landings on this island; nor are there any pro-
US-MX border to Cabo San Lucas. The highway was built in 1975/76. tected coves, so both boaters and scuba divers should have at least
Mulegé was also accessible by private aircraft, and of course by sea. moderate levels of experience before attempting this destination.