Page 326 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 326

nlike many other mining sites, the in-   funded operation was never profitable, and      is armed with tentacles laced with teeth.
                                                the mine was finally closed in the 1980s,       It also boasts a vicious beak that can tear
U dustrial facilities which are located in      when lower-grade ore and old technology         fish apart. Humboldt squids gather in the
                                                made continued operation impractical. Baja      Sea of Cortez and dine upon other marine
the very middle of the town, were never         Mining, a Canadian firm, began intermittent     life. Santa Rosalia is known as a base for di-
dismantled. Of particular interest are the      exploration of the El Boleo mine and sub-       vers in search of one of the ocean’s nastiest
reverberatory furnace and the metallurgi-       sequently undertook an effort to reopen El      predators. Adult Humboldts form schools
cal converter, although they are currently      Boleo. Baja Mining, in partnership with a Ko-   of up to 1,200 animals and can swim at an
not accessible by the public due to safety      rean Consortium began developing the $1.6       impressive 24 kilometers per hours. They
concerns. The main mining company offices       Billion project in 2010. In 2012 however,       are known as ‘red demons’ because of their
have been converted into an industrial mu-      construction cost overruns reported by Baja     vivid coloration and occasionally aggres-
seum. The 2010 census showed a population       Mining threatened to halt or delay construc-    sive temperaments. If you like edgy en-
of 11,765 persons. The city is the seat of the  tion of the project. Majority ownership inter-  counters this is definitely a dive that will
municipality of Mulegé. The Boleo Mine is       est and control of the project was transferred  get your blood pumping but most divers
an unusual sediment-hosted copper-cobalt-       to the Korean consortium, in return for fund-   that have spent time with them report
zinc-manganese ore deposit. El Boleo was        ing the reported cost overruns. Construction    that humboldts are shy, curious creatures.
mined by Compagnie du Boleo, a French           continues, with mechanical completion and       There are certain bays off the west coast of
company, from 1885 until 1954. To prevent       copper production targeted for early 2014.      northern Baja where humboldts often ag-
the economic collapse of Santa Rosalia and                                                      gregate during the late summer months.
surrounding communities, a Mexican state-       M onster-sized squids await you when
owned company (CMSRSA) assumed control                  you dive at Santa Rosalia, The Hum-
and reopened the works using basically the      boldt squid can grow up to six feet long and
same (rather archaic) equipment and pro-
cess used by the French. The government
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