Page 379 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 379
os Frailes - is a winter destination of you is always literally a fun-dive. Watching the experienced divers. It has patches of reef,
L cannot go out in the bay of Cabo Pulmo sea lions playing together, or showing off, separated by sand, full of garden eels and in
because of strong northern winds. This bay or blowing bubbles back at you is really winter season packed with all kind of sting-
is perfectly sheltered and has great dive great fun. In May and June the newborns rays, schools of jacks, grouper and the enor-
sites. Frailes Bay has several dive spots for are trying to play with you while the moms mous goliath grouper (jew fish). Ever present
both the beginning and advanced diver. are trying to prevent that from happening. reef fish such as the king angelfish, surgeon-
Along the northern edge of Frailes Bay the The mammals are often blamed for chasing fish, parrotfish and green moray eels. In sum-
rocky slopes follow down to the waters and away the fish for fishermen, but here you see mer it’s full of snapper, goatfish and jacks;
descend to depths of 30-40 feet. The fallen the proof of this being a mistake. Loads of in winter the packs tend to grow in size.
boulders form a natural habitat for abun- fish hanging out around the rocks where the M ermaids Beach - Sometimes called
dant marine life. An excellent spot for night colony holds residence, from surgeon fish “Dinosaur Egg” beach because of the
diving as the rocks come alive with moray and mackerel to eagle rays and barracuda.
eels, pufferfish, lobster, scallops, grunts, A great dive for all levels except for late Au- unusually uniform oval boulders which sur-
parrotfish and other marine inhabitants. gust till the beginning of October: only 2 or round the cove. Excellent for beginning
For more advanced divers the walls of the 3 older sea lions are left, while the rest of the divers and snorkelers with an abundance
bay drop off into Frailes Canyon with re- colony migrates to the north during the hur- of underwater structure and coral. Numer-
ported depths of over 700 feet, much too ricane season to the sheltered bay of La Paz. ous fish are inside the cove forming Mer-
deep for recreational divers, but worth maids Beach, but just outside and around
exploring the shallower parts of the can- the point the waters drop to approximate-
os Morros - It has the same depth as El ly 30-40 feet along an irregular rock wall
Lyon with an experienced local divemaster. Bajo, 50 feet, normally a bit colder wa-
L a Lobrea – is a large sea lion colony. ter (closer to the canyon) and its length is with overhangs and small caves. Surge
Starting at the surface, following the approximately ¼ of a mile. Sometimes with can be a problem outside the cove so only
strong currents, colder water and low vis- divers should venture outside the cove.
rocks to a maximum depth of 60 feet, this ibility, but full of surprises and a beauty for