Page 382 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 382

he Deep Reef - is a long bar of ledge-      T he Sea Lion Colony - is a sanctuary for a       in approximately 50’ and gently slopes to
                                                      colony of California sea lions. These play-  well beyond the recreational dive limit.
T like reef is surrounded by a sandy bot-        ful creatures, although cumbersome on land,       There are some very unique rock forma-
                                                 are extremely graceful under water. This site     tions that were created when the plate-
tom, similar to many of the reefs in Cabo        can be dived or may be used as an amusing         lets of the earth erupted over thousands
Pulmo. The many cracks and crevices pro-         surface interval. In addition to the seal lions,  of years ago. These large ledges and over
vide ample hiding places for large grouper.      large schools of sardines and many species        hangs provide homes for an abundant sup-
This site is known for stingrays, angel sharks,  of other tropical reef fish call this site home.  ply of lobster and other marine life. It is not
nurse sharks and even hammerheads.                                                                 uncommon to see schools of manta rays,
                                                 T he Submarine Canyon - This site is the          big grouper and a large supply of conch.
T he Rock Highway - is extremely beauti-              deepest of the Frailes area and begins
     ful and hosts an array of different types
of diving as well as species of fish. To reach
this site, expect about a one-hour boat ride.
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