Page 380 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 380

iedras Wohlford Reef - (The outer Broc-

P coli Forest Reef ) in much deeper wa-
Rter to 50 feet with rock overhangs but
Psmaller coral groupings. Located approxi-
                                                   that range from 80 to more than 200 pounds.              ancho Buena Vista - is small and shal-
                                                                                                            low but it’s a magnet for marine
                                                        unta Perico - has three distinctive terrain    life. It’s also a favorite for night diving.
                                                        changes. The first is an area of large boul-

mately 1/4 to 1/2 mile directly east of An-        ders with many cavern-like swim throughs. The
tares point. Large groups of schooling reef        Rsite then opens up into unique monument-like
fish can be found at all times of the year.                                                            oca de Jonathan - (The middle Broccoli
                                                   rock formations. Towards the end of the dive,       Forest Reef ) separated from the inner

P ilu’s - a bit deeper, to 70 feet maximum,        it completely changes into large channels.          reef by large fingers of sand. The rocks and
      less coral, less visibility, less currents,  This site is home to large schools of fish as well  coral heads are larger. Noted for several natu-
                                                   as many other species of tropical fish includ-      ral amphitheaters where grouper, sea bass

but a very beautiful scenery. Anything can ing seahorses, parrotfish, cabrilla and pargo. and other species gather for excellent view-

happen; you might be spotting bull jacks,                                                              ing. Whale sharks have been seen here dur-
golden trevally, dolphins, tuna and huge am-                                                           ing plankton blooms. The area is also popu-
                                                   unta Pescadero - translates as Fisherman’s          lated by large groups of conch and scallops.
Pberjack, dog snapper and hiding fish. This        Point, this site truly lives up to it’s name.

site is known for bull sharks and tiger sharks.    This site has unusual rock formations and           T he Caves - aren’t really cave at all because
                                                   very interesting topography. Resident scor-              there’s no major overhead environment
P unta de la Ventana - is a difficult place to     pion stone fish, Cortez stingrays, and large        to these structures. With plenty of ambient
      dive due to the heavy currents but when      schools of surgeonfish provide this site with

the conditions are just right, it’s really a great grace and beauty. Seasonally, you may see light shining through the many large port-

site. Descending to the 80 ft. sea floor, you conch, octopus, and nudibranch. Because this holes, the brilliant colors of the different va-

drop down over a ledge that bottoms out site is located on a migratory point, condi- rieties of corals and an array of tropical fish.

around 125 feet. There you will find many tions and marine life may change very rap-

caves and holes big enough to house some idly and a second dive at the same location,

extremely large grouper, pargo, and sea bass may reveal something completely different.
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