P. 15
What do you say when they say?
Here are a few reasons a prospective member may say why they cannot
join Business and Professional Women and here is an idea of what you can
counter with
Prospective Member I can’t afford the dues.
You can say That’s no problem, you can pay what you can each
month to our club treasurer. When dues are due our club will go ahead
and submit your dues for you.
Do you have any other response?
Prospective Member I have too much on my plate right now.
You can say I hear you. Just come to our meetings or events when
you can. Start meeting some of our members and find out more about our
organization and when you’re ready you can officially join Business and
Professional Women.
Another option would be to join as a Member at Large. You won’t be
affiliated with a club so no meetings unless you want to attend but you
would receive our newsletters and notices about district and state meet-
ings, and you’ll have access to our website and be in touch with what we
are doing.
Do you have any other response?