Page 7 - California Woman Fall 2022
P. 7

Sierra Mar District Report

                                         for Fall 2022 issue of CALIFORNIA WOMAN

                                     District Theme: “Women Helping Women”

                      Sierra Mar District’s Fall Conference will be Saturday, October 15th from
           9:00 A.M.-1:30 A.M. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Mon-
           terey Park, CA. Mavis Hansen, President of El Monte BPW, will chair the meeting.
           Contact Marie Clifton for more information and to
           make a reservation.

           The State Representative will be Rosemary Enzer, President of the
           California BPW Education Fund and Past State President.

                           The morning speaker will be Linda Hess, who will be speaking on her
                           ten-years-old, non-profit Urban Harvester, which connects hungry
                           people to surplus food.

           The afternoon speaker will be M.D. Shelley, who will be speaking on
           domestic violence. M.D. is the Domestic Violence Prevention Chair
           for the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena, has had training in do-
           mestic violence and sexual assault, is a human trafficking and hos-
           tage negotiator and has worked with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s De-
           partment and other Police Departments.

                     The cost of the conference is $15.00 registration and $10.00 for box lunch
           from Marie Callender’s Restaurant. Registrations and checks made out to Sierra
           Mar BPW District are to be sent to Marie Clifton, 6230 N. San Gabriel Blvd., # 22,
           San Gabriel, CA 91775 by October 5, 2022.

                     Sierra Mar District’s Winter Conference will be Saturday, January 21st
           from 9:00 A.M.-1:30 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Mon-
           terey Park. Lynn Wen and San Gabriel Valley BPW, Sally McMahon, Marie Clifton
           and Marjory Hopper are in charge of the program. Planning has not started for this
                     Sierra Mar’s June Training meeting was Saturday, June 18th at St. Paul’s Lu-
           theran Church with 20 in attendance. East Valley BPW was in charge of the pro-
           gram. Sally McMahon chaired the meeting. Marjory Hopper, Program/Projects
           Chair for CFBPW, Valley Sunset District President, Hollywood BPW President and
           Dual Member of East Los Angeles-Montebello, was the State Representative. Jane
           Armbruster Friday, who is in charge of Friends in Deed’s Women Room, was the
           morning speaker.                                                                         …/...
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