Page 3 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 110 - March 2023_Neat
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The invitation to the F2F Presidents meeting and YBPW  Symposium in Brus-
            sels 29  April 2023 was extended, with further event details to be found on the
          BPW European Website. It would be wonderful to see as many of us as possible in
          Brussels at this event, with advocacy sessions within the European Parliament.

                  Our  Gordon-Holmes  speaker  was  Naomi  Long  MLA,  who  has
          had various prominent roles since she hosted BPW UK as the Lord
          Mayor in 2010. Naomi was engaging, informative and generous with
          her time. Although her speech was fantastic, Naomi came alive with
          our questions from the floor. Indeed, when Judith Crowe told Naomi
          that she had been one of the best Gordon-Holmes speakers in re-
          cent memory, no one could disagree.

                  Noreen Courtney from the Belfast employer Spirit Aero systems explained
          how she became the Programme Director after completing a master’s degree in
          Accounts and Finance. A front facing public role for Noreen, and one that she was
          happy to share the journey of. It was great to hear about the near parity within
          this company, and the female apprentices winning engineering awards in this tra-
          ditionally male world. STEM really is an equal opportunity career choice now.

                  Lunch afforded the chance to talk over the morning’s speakers, and to watch
          a slideshow of us all in previous conferences and BPW experiences. The afternoon
          session saw us split into two groups, Chris Nendick leading the Advocacy session,
          ‘How do we move forward on the successful motions at our AGM?’ Alice Minuto the
          YBPW European representative took our YBPW UK members and guests into the
          breakout room to discuss how to increase membership and to stay relevant. In-
          deed, Alice brought along sunglasses for us all to think about how to see the world
          through different eyes;  what can we achieve?

                  Finally, it came to the end of the Conference Day, the YBPW raffle was a hit
          with YBPW UK VP Yasmin Knight bringing humour and good cheer to each lot, skil-
          fully helped by Otoha.

                  The evening was the chance to relax, to continue our discussions, and to
          plan what we do next! Sunday and Monday meant home time for some, but for
          others the opportunity to explore the area. The Giants Causeway tour was incredi-
          ble, even if it meant we had the chance to get a little wet! The Black Cab tour
          around Belfast had some of us enthralled at the history of such a beautiful city.

                  For the President of BPW UK, it is a wonderful reminder of who we are and
          what we can achieve together. “Women, we really do mean business”.
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