Page 20 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023-2024
P. 20

This group was convened following the AGM in June 2021 under the leadership of one of the
         five Vice Presidents elected within the interim constitution.
         Members are at the heart of everything that BPW does.

         The aims of the group were
         (a) to keep the current members well informed and active and
         (b) to develop a recruitment strategy and action plan.

         Our full Membership Strategy and Action Plan were published in the last Annual Review and this
         report serves to update you as to what we have achieved to date and what our future activity
         focuses on.

         The Membership Strategy was designed to support the current membership as well as to grow
         the membership. We are making steady progress as shown in our updated Action Plan below.

                                    Membership Strategy Action Plan

                    Priority Area               Action              Responsible            Update
                 a) Recruitment Strate-  -establish an effective   Membership         03/09/2021
                 gy                    Working Group               Working Group
                                       -develop and implement an   Strategy agreed    COMPLETED
                                       effective recruitment strate-
                                       -monitor the effectiveness of
                                       the strategy
                                       -oversee the implementa-                       ONGOING
                                       tion of the strategy in all                    MONITORING
                                       areas                                          OF ALL ASPECTS
                                       -share information, work                       OF THE PLAN
                                       plans and internal communi-                    ADDRESSED IN
                                       cation ideas freely with all                   THE MONTHLY
                                       Working Group leaders                          MEETINGS
                                       -make effective use of all
                                       available communication
                    a) Application     -review and update the cur-  All forms are in the   1ALL FORMS
                       Forms           rent application form and   process of being   REVIEWED AND
                                       provide an instant Join Now   reviewed.        STREAMLINED
                                       option on the website                          2. RENEWAL
                    b) Renewal Forms   -review and update the cur-                    LETTERS
                                       rent renewal form                              COMING FROM
                     c) Renewal Letter   -new wording for renewal   A questionnaire for   TREASURER
                                       letter encouraging members   potential members   01.01.2023
                                       to continue with their mem-  is being worked   JOIN NOW
                                       bership                     on.                OPTION IS LIVE
                    d) Research        -devise questionnaire to                       ON THE
                                       ascertain value and needs                      WEBSITE
                                       to and from the members                        3. EXTERNAL

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