Page 25 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023-2024
P. 25
Valentina Marcolungo has returned to her home country and Araati Bista has now emigrated to
the UK.
The difficulty with conducting meetings with members under 35 persists; however there has
been some uptake of other activities.
AGM/Conference March 2024
A successful Raffle was conducted at Conference 2023. The proceeds will go towards assist-
ing any Young member who wishes to attend a European or International BPW event.
Otoha and Yasmin have been working with the Conference Planning Group to produce
flyers, forms and generally contribute to discussions and decision making.
Twinning Project
Discussions have taken place with the President of BPW Liamuiga (the Young arm of BPW St
Kitts) in St. Kitts & Nevis. These have been centred around an online event which would show-
case young artists of both countries.
Connecting with Young BPW Global
Yasmin has made contact with the Chairperson of Young BPW Brampton in Ontario Canada,
Rianna Ramesar. She and Rianna discussed best practices for running Young BPW. They have
agreed to meet on a monthly basis for the time being so that they can continue to support
each other.
Equal Pay Day Project
Busola, Aarati and Yasmin have begun working on an Equal Pay Project. The activities being
worked on are:
EPD business cards
Awareness drive
A panel discussion / forum
L. Yasmin Knight
Vice President Young BPW UK
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