Page 21 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023-2024
P. 21


                  Priority Area                Action                Responsible             Update
                                     -investigate other categories of                  AGREED AND
                                     membership                                        CIRCULATED TO
                                                                                       CHAMBERS OF
                                                                                       COMMERCE IN
                                                                                       AND IPSWICH.

                                                                                       4. FRIENDS OF
                                                                                       IN PLACE.
                                                                                       STILL BEING
                                                                                       DEVELOPPED. A
                                                                                       APPROCH IS
                                                                                       TO BE
               Reporting             -make effective use of all avail-  Ongoing        ALL MEETINGS
               mechanisms:           able communication mecha-                         HELD BY ZOOM
                                     nisms so keeping costs to a                       NIL COSTS
                                     minimum                                           INCURRED

               Meetings and          -arrange regular meetings of   Meetings held on a   CROSS OVER
               consultations:        the Working Group to discuss   monthly basis..    WITH OTHER
                                     future planning and activities                    WORKING
                                                                                       GROUPS AIDS

               Marketing:            -liaise with the Media &      Mar-                WEBSITE PAGES
                                     keting Working Group for deliv-  Ongoing          DRAFTED &
                                     ery of any messages to the                        DELIVERED TO
                                     membership                                        MM WORKING
                                     -liaise with the Media &                          GROUP:
                                     Marketing Working Group to                        JOIN US
                                     ensure consistency of identity                    ABOUT BPW UK
                                     and branding
                                     -liaise with the Young BPW
                                     Working Group to produce a
                                     new members’ pack
                                                                                       NEW MEMBERS’
               Finance:              -liaise with the National      National Treasurer   CLOSE
                                     Treasurer before                   part of the working   WORKING
                                     commissioning any work         group.             PRACTICES HAVE
                                     required to enable the Working                    ENABLED
                                     Group to deliver its priority                     DELIVERABLES

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