Page 12 - Combined HRHQE2 - Members 19th Oct. 2022 visit - E-news Sept. 2022
P. 12
MEF Supported Charities
Cantercare House
This is a small supported housing project based in Canterbury Kent, run by the Rising Sun
Domestic Violence & Abuse Service, offering safe accommodation for homeless young wom-
en with experience of domestic abuse and who are pregnant or have a young baby.
Maggie’s Forth Valley Cancer Care Centre, near Falkirk
Maggie’s Forth Valley opened its doors in March 2017 and in that time more than 24,000
people have visited our centre and accessed the free programme of support offered. There
is a team of specialist staff at Forth Valley, comprising 3 Cancer Support Specialists, a Clini-
cal Psychologist and a Benefits Advisor. What makes it unique is that they provide emotion-
al, practical and psychological support to anyone affected by cancer, not just those with an
active diagnosis.
St Mark’s Church, Stirling
St Mark’s is a Church of Scotland Priority Area Church (that is, a parish in one of the most
deprived areas of Scotland, as defined by the Scottish Multiple Deprivation Index). As such,
much of their work is focused on helping the most vulnerable members of the parish in both
practical and pastoral ways.
Over the last 18 months in particular, they have been focusing on supporting families with
basics such as energy top-up payments, supermarket vouchers to enable families to put
food on the table, and other basic necessities. The majority of families they support are
single parent families – invariably single mothers with one or more children
White Ribbon, Northern Ireland
By making the White Ribbon NI pledge to never commit, condone or stay silent about vio-
lence against women and girls, they have committed to take the steps necessary to make
our society a safer place for women.
The pledge is an important first step and their voice is strengthened by all who choose to
make it.
After making the pledge organisations commit to making lasting change through their staff,
their policies and their day-to-day work; as well as their role within the communities in
which they are based.
Clackmannanshire Women’s Aid
They say “During an extremely turbulent time in their lives, CWA provides specialist support
and safe refuge to survivors of domestic abuse. We strive to optimise the support we pro-
vide and seek to explore every available avenue in order to do so; we would be extremely
grateful for the rare opportunity to freshen up and create a comforting, welcoming space
for women, children and young people seeking refuge in Clackmannanshire. A world without
domestic abuse is possible; gender inequality is something CWA seeks to uproot every day”