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We have had a great year.  California has been “Taking Action” with great programs at

           our local and district levels.  The State has also had a great opportunity to shine by participat-
          ing at the Regional Conference in St. Kitts, joining the International Executives and members

          from 27 countries.  The Annual National Conference was held in Sacramento, where not only
          many of our members were in attendance, but we had the honor to have some of us elected
          and appointed to national offices.  Congratulations to National Secretary: Sondra Nunez, Par-
          liamentarian and International Liaison: Sandy Thompson,  Bylaws and Resolutions: Trudy
          Waldroop,  Health: Keri Hess, Justice Diversity Equity and Inclusion: Sher Singh, Lifelong
          Leadership and Learning: Jane Taff, and Nominating: Manjul Batra.   What a group of leaders
          “Taking Action”!  Congratulations and best wishes.

                  Another success we are happy to mention is the Public Policy Conference.  Co-chairs
          Rosemary Enzer and Linda Lucas did a great job along with their team, Elaine Sierra, Elaine
          Aftergut and Sally McMahon.   By taking action and participating in the Public Policy Confer-
          ence our members are up to date on the legislative issues that affect us all.

                  The Call to Conference as well as the Registration Form are included in this issue of the
          California Woman.   Please note the request at the bottom of the form for donations to the
          California Education Fund.  The CEF is an important part of our Federation.  The donations are
          of great benefit to the students.  We can make a difference in the lives of women and girls.
          But the funds are running low.   So, in addition to the request, the fundraiser during the Con-
          ference will be dedicated to the CEF.
                  “May Days are Pay Days”.   The time to renew our membership is nearing.   Please send
          your dues on time.  Remember that the dues are not an expense – they are investment in
          yourself and in the California Federation.   By being a member of BPW, you stand alongside
          many women working towards our common goal:  to achieve gender equality and equal op-
          portunities in our society.

                  In closure, I wish to express my sincere appreciation and recognition to the members of
          our Executive Committee and our Board of Directors for their dedication and work on your be-
          half during this term.  It has not been easy recovering from the Pandemic suffered these last
          few years, but our team of leaders has been “Taking Action” and making the California Feder-
          ation strong.  Of course no effort would be successful without the participation of our mem-
          bership.   Thanks to all of you for all you have done.

                  My best wishes to incoming President Maria DeSousa and her team for the next year.
          As Immediate Past President, I will be there to support you.
                  It has been an honor and a pleasure serving our Federation as its President.  Let’s con-
          tinue “Taking Action” in all we can do to make a difference in the lives of women and girls.
          This is vitally important.  Thank you for your support.

          Bessie R. Hironimus
          CFBPW President 2022-2023

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