P. 5
2. To amend bylaws Article VII Dues as follows - Members joining after March 1 and
paying full annual dues will be a paid member for the balance of the current year
and the full following year.
Motion Carried and will be referred to the Bylaws and Resolutions Chair for
presentation at Annual Conference.
3. Change Standing Rule 2 in the Handbook/Policies and Procedures by deleting, “all
Past State Presidents in good Standing”, so that only the Executive Committee and
Immediate Past State President will receive Executive Committee minutes.
Motion Carried
4. President Bessie recessed the business meeting and established a Committee of
the Whole to be presided over by Immediate Past State President, Lynn Brand-
stater to consider options for replacing Katherine as Meetings Coordinator.
There was agreement that the recommendation would be to await word from
President-elect Maria in case she has someone in mind to appoint.
5. President Bessie asked for input on how to handle the Juelle-Ann Boyer laptop.
There was agreement to have Barbara J Davis and Katherine Winans try to access
the data for value then make a recommendation.
Subsequently – Nothing was found on the laptop and it will become part
of the CFBPW traveling Audio Visual Package.
6. Barbara J Davis, President of Bay Capital District, moved that the CFBPW Board
of Directors approve the merger of Bay Capital and Northern districts.
Motion Carried.
Katherine Winans DUES REMINDER
CFBPW Secretary This is a reminder of a decision of the National Federation
made a couple of years ago to increase the membership dues
by $5.00. This decision comes into effect this year. It is a
small annual amount to keep our Federation partially in sync
with inflation. Your dues invoice will reflect this increase.
The Mailbox service will end April 15.
Members, if you have CFBPW Membership Brochures
please block out the Mailbox as the address to send
It is recommended you use a club
member’s address...Treasurer, President?