Page 20 - Ontario CA Conference Annual Report -_Neat
P. 20

Report from Program Chair
                                                   Marjory Hopper

                                    It is always a challenge to decide who will be our featured speak-
                          ers at each of our CFBPW conferences.  First what is our focus  topic to be
                          discussed at our meetings, then obtain the presenter who is knowledgea-
                          ble in the topic.  The speaker must be informative, personable and cer-
                          tainly knowledgeable. If the subject needs to be entertaining, that is al-
                          ways a plus.

                  If the topic is discussable, the speaker  should be prepared to answer questions
        from the attendees.  That is the formula that the Program chair follows.

                  In CFBPW we have been fortunate to obtain speakers who fit our qualifica-
        tions.  However, recently, we began to research our own BPW federation mem-
        bers.   Their backgrounds professionally and with business savvy certainly quali-
        fied  them to be asked to share their expertise with our membership.  So it has been a
        privilege and pleasure to introduce our own active BPW members to be our keynoters!

                  Some from our own State’s Federation, National Federation and even as you will
        hear from our BPW International!

                  So it is important for our members to take advantage of our BPW talents , be in-
        formed and support  the mission of BPW!  Remember the meetings are now in person
        as well as on Zoom!

        Looking forward to your participation!

        Marjory Hopper
        Program Chair
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