Page 16 - Ontario CA Conference Annual Report -_Neat
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                               Public Policy Committee Annual Report

                   Public policy and advocacy have been the cornerstone of our Federation since its
         inception and our committee has continued our work in this area.  The bill screening
         committee has worked diligently throughout the year to research and review pending
         legislation that affects us all as working women.  Our Public Policy Conference provided
         an opportunity for training and education on our focus issues and other items included
         in our Public Policy Statement.

                   In the fall we received the approval of the Execu-
         tive Committee to endorse Proposition 1 on the November
         ballot.  This state constitutional amendment was passed
         by voters and codified the rights to women’s reproductive
         justice in California.

                   Recognizing the struggles of our brave sisters in
         Iran, the Public Policy Committee drafted and issued a
         statement supporting their protests against human rights
         violations.  This statement reaffirmed our stand against violence and gender inequity
         around the world.

                   This year CFBPW joined in partnership with the California Work and Family Coali-
         tion, a group that shares many of the legislative goals of our organization.  Elaine Sier-
         ra, member of the Bill Screening Committee has been our liaison to this group.

                   The  Annual Public Policy Conference, held in Sacramento in February, featured
         a variety of speakers and workshops beginning with the highlights of conferences from
         the past 63 years, presented by  Past State President Trudy Waldroop.  “Running and
         Winning” was the theme of newly elected Citrus Heights City Council member Jane Taff,
         as she shared her campaign experiences.  Linda Wilson’s ERA workshop provided his-
         torical, as well as updated, information on the Equal Rights Amendment.

                   Our Public Policy Conference also featured a panel discussion, Challenges to Our
         Democracy and How Women Can Fight Back. Our distinguished panel members were
         Carol Moon Goldberg, president of the California League of Women Voters and Cande-
         laria Vargas, Director of Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood, Mar Monté.
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